Silence works well
I used to enjoy finding bugs in the things you were implementing in the IDE, what was the reason when you worked there? Lack of time? Were you on a performance quota?
Well, I do and did a lot of stuff for the Xojo community.
The MVP discussions are not public, but you can be sure we complain to Xojo about where we see issues. But what ca be done depends on limited resources. You may or may not see effects from that, but the attribution would be difficult.
From one of the recent discussions, I did posted yesterday a few suggestions to speed up compiler/debugger parts and I look forward to what may happen.
Being friends and coworker with quite a few former Xojo employees they all tell a pretty consistent story about how the company works. Micromanagement of the developers by Geoff, developers having to manage Geoff (or he’d cut out a feature that pro’s use), lack of developers on the team (i.e. too few doing too much), minimum viable feature development (half implemented or poorly implement features), and focus on new users rather than pro users (pros begging to give them money for bugs being fixed vs little money) all lead to where we’re at today.
Since I work at a company that with these former employees and we still use Xojo (all day every day) I can say that we are actively migrating away from Xojo as none of us have confidence that the company will be viable in another five years for us. We love the product (mostly) but we don’t like the direction they’ve chosen for the product. So we can only control what we can control and move on to something that we have more confidence in. Nothing is ever set in stone and languages come and go but we don’t want to bet our paychecks on Xojo at this point.
I guess you just needed to talk to an MVP…
I tend to think they have set their sites way too low and don’t try to cater to professional users and what they need/want
And thats often different from what new users want
And that shows in comments like
which I’ve heard from more than one person I know
In fact I had such a conversation earlier this year with a client I’d helped with some other non-coding work. After much discussion of pro’s and con’s they chose to retain other developers using other tools
It made me sad as I knew I was literally advising them NOT to hire me to do more work - but it was the right thing to tell them and they are happy as heck right now.
On one hand you could sleep at night, on the other it was on a sheet of cardboard under a bridge
It was the right thing to tell them
And they still call from time to time to chat - about how things are, do I think they should do …
We have good relationship and I’m glad they are where they are now with their systems
And damned happy with the work I did
That has always been my biggest issue is Xojo/RS/RB … If you are going to do something try and do it well!
And non pro does not mean just newbies … we mature in our coding too…
Over 20 years ago when I found RB it seem to be a very likable child with a lot of potential … the adult has not lived up to that potential and is no longer quite so cute.
I still use it… I’m close to retirement and not about to switch to something else, but I do wonder how much more I should invest in it.
- Karen
New users don’t stay new users for that long
Whether they make a full time living with the product or its just an adjunct to whatever else they do
Well, sure. I can’t compare my current Xojo coding skills to what I did 20 years ago either. Frankly, I’m embarrassed by what I did 6 months some times.
I had actually been contacted by an MVP who found my xDev article interesting and agreed with a lot of what I wrote, and was against me being banned, but as the MVP token is good for business kept his mouth shut …
I didn’t feel the need to point up that this fulfils the definition of being corrupt, but the thought came to my mind … and that self-respect is going really cheap these days.
Btw one of the biggest scams in the World is medals. Warriors used to get a villa and land for their heroic deeds, but nowadays they get a 50 cents worth piece of tin to prance around with … if they still can prance …
P.S. It’s essentially another “golden calf” for people to “uh” and “ah” about …
Who says we can’t see that?
From “our” point of view the MVPs were supposed to be “of of the community” and convey what the community wants and more importantly needs to make Xojo a viable and reliable tool that we are happy to buy - and not be a mouthpiece for and unpaid underling of Xojo Inc.
So we expected Christian (who due to his worth to Xojo should have a strong position and be able to speak more freely than others - see Marc Zeedar who completely rolled over when threatened by Geoff) to stand up for the things which are right and against those that go wrong.
Instead we see how Christian has started to hold back criticism of Xojo when it is warranted and make strange excuses. Which is why I myself called him out on it at least three times.
Maybe in hindsight that was expecting too much of the MVPs - they often have businesses that depend on Xojo and therefore a large portion of self-interest, and their interests conflict directly with the expectations of an MVP as a representative of the community.
No wonder Anthony is so exceedingly trigger happy to change or delete critical posts …
Btw, just came across a post from you from last Oct: Seriously? - #7 by anon72844311
Wow, just wow. Take a look at some of my outstanding 260+ verified/reproducible bugs Geoff, five year old bugs that are glaring quality issues for Windows users and some that make your product unusable.
It makes me so sad to think about Anthony having to waste his time trying to convince Geoff that he needs more testers and Geoff taking over an hour to realise the fact. Oh brilliant and they have the audacity to make a post about trolling, Geoff is the biggest troll around. I swear I can almost hear the fingers tapping on a future blog post already.
You’ve quite changed your tune lately. Business related? Or angling for an MVP position by any chance …?
But I’m actually quite interested to hear the WHY, so feel free to elaborate.
Just one thing, Julian: NOBODY is ever going to be allowed to tell me what I can or cannot say. And “NOBODY” - that includes you.
Markus Winter,
You and only you alone are responsible for your suspension. You did misbehave, in many cases didn’t show any respect for other peopleand jumped through the roof when somebody disagreed with you.
You put yourself in a victim role, where you clearly are not. I invite everybody to read Markus Winter’s reply from let says the last year. Interesting threads were closed because he finds it necessary to polarise. In how many of those replies, did he really help somebody? Count how many were helpful and how many were polarizing.
Even here you can’t stop offending people because that seems to boost your “self-esteem”. But I tell you, Markus Winter, people will see through your facade and see the little guy you really are.
I just found this forum, and to be honest, I like it very much. I do admit that seem to be more open and genuine in their discussions here, which I do appreciate. I do agree with Markus Winter and many others here, that moderation on the Xojo forum is much too harsh. So let us make sure it stays that way by respecting our fellow members here even when we totally disagree with each other.
Respect is earned, not coming for free.
Kind Regards,
Those seem to be opposite statements.
So you know for a fact that they’ve not tried to convey that, right? Is that another “I’m a scientist” moment?
Again, you know that he hasn’t tried?
Unfortunately, seemingly unlike you, I don’t keep printed cut outs of comments on a large board on my wall with pins and red string linking messages together so I can’t instantly recall the three times you did this, sorry, I must try harder. I’m sure you can give me the links to those posts if the threads haven’t been nuked from orbit? However, please don’t bother if they are of the “quality” and I use that term loosely of this “call out”
Is that you actually admitting to being wrong about something? Someone get me some smelling salts, I’m about to pass out.
Are you acting under the false premise that somehow becoming an MVP made them a crusader for the people who would throw themselves on their sword at the first sniff of an issue that didn’t go their way? The reason they got to be MVPs in the first place was that they were calm and mentally stable (oh the irony talking about that here) and they could rationally articulate an issue without resorting to insults or rule breaking. Nothing immediately stands out to me where Christian lost his cool about an issue (I’m sure someone will post a link to that one time it happened), yet you seem to think that now he’s an MVP he should publicly admonish xojo at every chance and when he disagrees with you he’s some how become their lapdog?
Strange, my tune doesn’t change, I have less than zero interest in being an mvp or working for xojo, I like my impartiality and the ability to do what I want, when I want, to criticise both sides and, when I can be bothered or have some spare time, I will pick at a lose thread that someone says or a little white lie until it develops into something substantial like the windows flicker problem with years and years of “its a microsoft issue”, like people claiming that their dev environment was the first to achieve something when it wasn’t, like moderators stepping out of line or getting facts wrong, like Geoff taking to twitter to berate another company, like deciding to rewrite feedback, like scientists using marketing “enabled” numbers as “sales” figures or like people coming out with vulgar slang and complete and utter tripe because they think they know better.
Seems I can, as can Xojo on their platform, caps NOBODY, oooo so dramatic, why didn’t you bold it too, lol
Oh Markus, remember this PM?
Please get some help, as I said when I tried to help you a few weeks ago, have fun!
Markus is spot on. Anthony changed as he used to complain until his Discord server fell apart after Anthony became a MVP.
Now Julian is changing…
Edit: Now Julian is on a rant talking about everything but how to get Xojo bugs fixed. More of the same from Julian. He’s just trying to change the topic. Again.
You do realise this thread isn’t about getting bugs fixed right Hal? Check the thread title?
Why do you think Markus was banned? All you do is try to change the topic with your questions to cause fights. #HonoraryMVP