It’s not about distractions, its about trying to understand some of the really really odd statements that people are making, like they know the internal workings of xojo and make sweeping crazy statements as if they are fact.
It’s about the bugs and lack of communication.
Now Geoff just archives bugs automatically. Hmmm, I wonder why?
I’ve seen things change of late, new blood, more openness, more public ticketing, maybe the new hires made it a stipulation that things wouldn’t be so hush hush, maybe MVPs made that happen, maybe the people that left were holding things back. We’re seeing a few high % bug releases coming this year without large sweeping changes, the move to the new issues system I suggested has finally happened freeing up staff time. You work with that you have, I’m sure they’re doing the best they can. You can ask for more but you don’t have all the cards to say they are wrong in what they are doing.
I know why, did you not get the memo?
Blah, blah, blah. Just more excuses.
Maybe more bans will reduce bug reporting! Muahahaha
This thing you think is the end of the world for xojo, its probably not even a blip in their sales.
Yes another strange comment. Why? Norman puts in as many tickets as he used to, because he cares about the product.
Markus has only put in 11 tickets in 8 years, that ban isn’t going to reduce the reporting by anything significant.
So no, banning people wont reduce bug reporting as the people that get banned have a high probability of being those that like to gripe and not help by making tickets in the first place.
Maybe ask @npalardy about his success in getting his tickets resolved or just unarchived?
Sorry… #2… I thought was on this thread, but it wasn’t…
#2 under Xojos own description of WHY the MVP exists.
2. To facilitate communication with the Xojo community. The MVPs are there to help us get the word out about things going on at Xojo and also to help the community make sure we are hearing what’s going on with them.
The problem here is
- if they talk publicly about how things are progressing at xojo, you all jump on them saying they are shilling for xojo, protecting their income etc. etc.
- if they talk to xojo about what’s going on in the community, you don’t get to hear about that, so you think they are doing nothing
How do you propose they do a better job at #2?
Months and months if not years of get Christian as an MVP, he’d be great.
Christian becomes an MVP.
He’s a shill, stone him…
Crazy, the lot of you I swear it just can’t be me that sees this?
None of this is getting bugs fixed. You wanted to know why. It’s the bugs.
Yesterday: Switching – Writings from the sticks
making new rules
then banning people based on rules that didn’t exist before
How can they do better at #2? DO SOMETHING?
What, every one of the 5, didn’t you also have a timeout, was that a new rule too?
we archive them because we haven’t looked at them in 2 years ?
thats suggests different issues there if the flood of bug reports is so vastest they cant even get to everything reported
that was my experience as well
and it sucked
Because I get paid by people trying to USE the product that are affected by these bugs
I don’t report them just for fun
Hmmm right, they pay you to make tickets about asymmetrical methods or code folding artefacts or…
Julian is just trying to change the topic.
No, I’m just responding to more strange answers…
edit: well. not strange per se, as I know why, but whatevvvvvs
asymmetrical methods because we’re trying to USE remove and holy shit it doesnt do what copy & move do !
so I file a bug and make my own
code folding because it annoys all of our little team