Xojo is NOT entirely M1 Native

Well, I, for one, will never be ok with marketing sentences, as they’re known to be made for manipulating people; actually, I don’t trust sentences if I only read them in any form of advertising (including messages that come straight from the company). That’s just me (but not only).

So, for me, Xojo isn’t worse than many other products in this regard: make some marketing claims (that look cool and raise desire to use the product) and, if someone complains, split hairs and tell “we didn’t said the WHOLE product was that way”; easy…. Companies don’t have to be honest to survive.

Well, this stays true.
But, yes, be it a tiny fraction or the whole IDE, it’s obviously true Rosetta is needed to build currently. And not everyone wants (or can) install Rosetta to check how native apps work (that, I think Geoff should realise rather than only considering his view).
However, there are workarounds for this issue: you can still remote-debug to a Silicon computer, from a remote Mac or debug on a Silicon Mac and, when ready, compile on another Mac (or on a separate partition of the Silicon Mac, with Rosetta installed).
I’ve also read one can disable (or uninstall?) Rosetta; that’s already a third solution (and I bet there are even more). Is it worth focusing on a marketing issue, especially knowing this is rather frequent everywhere?

If only that was a single occurrence…

Just my two cents.

I agree.
I also think you get back what you emit, so his attitude certainly won’t serve him for good.

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I’ve often thought that many of these forums rants are given fuel by the CEO response. How much better would it have been if the response was:

“I didn’t see the linker in the same way but I see your point, we’ll add that Rosetta is still necessary”

Probably still get some hard core complainers still out for blood but the majority would view it as an all too human error based on differing perspectives.


I think that would not change anything. Why? Because I can ot believe that the xojo guys did not know that Rosetta is needed. I found out when tried the first time. So it would be better to say: IDE is native and compiler also but not the linker which will be within one of the next Updates. That would stop the discussion before it begun.

Only if Rosetta is installed. Otherwise, then it might as well take forever since there is no warning.

wow, I originally thought geoff would destroy one good business, it seems he has mesmerized another into defending him and painting themselves with the same tainted brush.
but you never know, maybe no one will notice and it will all be forgotten…haha nope.

In my view it is the behavior of an advertisement Guy. Not of a Software company. Nor a programmer. But this is not so that he was painting himself. That would, even if he would have the best tools for it, not a nice picture. He can not reinvent himself. He was reacting wrong and that is his way to react in situations like this. Even to think that a creative process could be in the background isn’t the right way of thinking. This behavior wasn’t creative at all. It is his trained and implemented method of reaction.

This is a problem for all users but the most will not get it. Cause that means he will never inform because of errors. Not to misunderstand. He will never come up with informations like this from the beginning and always he will find excuses. That makes it nearly impossible to have a discussion with a solution at it’s end while he will always try to get his own way realized and never the way is needed for the product.

Sometimes I believe he is looking on the Surface of a see and thinks: “Man I am so pretty”

But it is not changing anything. To discuss without his reaction on it makes no, absolutely no sense. There are two ways: running away from it and change the toolchain or staying and shutting up. Otherwise your’e not a member of the community there anymore. That is the sad part. Even Markus Winter they kicked out for 30 days. For what? For speaking trues.

Not sure whether you’re talking about me here, but trying to find truth and understanding on both sides is different than being mesmerised by one of them.

Having fun with Xojo.

So Xojo is free to use for learning and development ?

Another strange formulae…

For me there is a contradiction in terms in this paragraph.

Xojo is free:

  • to install, launch and use
  • building or Raspberry Pi

It costs money for:

  • Building MacOS, Windows, Linux or iOS apps
  • using version tracking like GIT

And I think the last one may be to get companies to buy a license for each developer.

Same story. Xojo marketing overstating what Xojo actually does.

Does someone have a list of all the trickery?


The usability of GIT with xojo is to say it friendly garbage comparing to Visualstudio, IntelliJIdea, CLion, Eclipse, Netbeans and all the other competitors. So That would never be my Argument cause I for example was setting up Version management from the outside otherwise I would never be able to fullfill ISo 62304.

And now it’s locked. Xojo is scared of discussions.

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Why the hell was that post closed now!? It was a civil conversation and a really reasonable request from the OP. This is really getting ridiculous…

Uncomfortable ?
Folks saying Xojo lies ?

Since they dont give a reason why its a guess why they decided to lock it

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It was a rhetorical question, but thanks anyway to confirm! :wink:

They now by now that a thread like that will have lots of Honest posts about the not working or half baked features in Xojo. so, they just try to hide that. Or maybe my complain about a couple of those not native classes :sweat_smile:

Uncomfortable truths

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It is like always. That’s their policy to behave to customers. While it will sink fast after it will be away in three days. The errors and bugs are still there. They will say: look to our nice blogpost new user, it’s so nice. The truths: xojo is slightly usable for Mac desktop. It’s usability for windows, Linux, web and iOS is horrible.

nope, not talking about you, I did not see any comments in the thread until now