Xojo Hmmmm 🤔

I needed that laugh today !

var ProPtr as ptr
ProPtr = nil

Adequately stuffed :face_with_head_bandage:

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if API2 doesn’t help, please try:

#Pragma ThereIsStillHope False

if that doesn’t work, open a ticket and make this post viral so that you will get enough thumbs up.


That’s a fair point. It then maybe just be a lack of adequate staffing.

Buy a Xojo T-shirt. They seem to be of fairly good quality and therefor thread-save.

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Xojo, a myriad of options! The only problem Xojo is struggling with is the fact that we the users, are just too stupid to deal with bugs much more calmly.

Beware of Xojo Bot!

you mean this AI tool focusing on auto-closing or the chatGPT clone focusing on auto-writing a pseudo-documentation?

It prefers the name ChatGP.

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Oh, I mean the auto-closing gun-slinger.

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Come on! If it where chatGPT who’s in charge of Xojo’s docs, they would be less erroneous, more complete and have references to relevant forum threads.

Ok, ok, now we could be accused of being unfair, but it’s pretty funny.

But it’s only funny for me because I don’t do anything with Xojo anymore, because if I think hard about it, then unfortunately there is just an incredible amount of truth in this whole thread, unfortunately and a shame.

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Yes, fun we have. It is the only thing I can do with my Xojo license. Fair use I’d say.

in Europe you are allowed to re-sell it. Millions of people waiting for it.

I cannot sell this in good faith - but I may donate it to a penguin in Antarctica.

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Poor penguins. First: climate change, and now …


Why harm the penguins that way ?

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Xojo claims to have customers in Antarctica. Must be penguins. Adding a license shouldn’t cause trouble. :upside_down_face:

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