Pretty sure his departure at xDev was some time ago after he wrote an article that Xojo took exception to that xDev then issued a “mea culpa” more or less
Seems the shit has hit the fan (not unexpected). As I have no other way of clarifying the statement that was just send out to all xDev subscribers I am doing it here:
It has come to my attention that the article, “An Idea for Xojo’s Future,” in the latest issue of xDev, was not as clearly marked as Opinion as I would have liked.
It is important to know that all the data in the article is pure speculation by the author. The piece was not fact-checked and Xojo, Inc. was never contacted and did …
In the latest Xojo Newsletter (Sept 2021):
[xDev Magazine Looking for Contributors]
If you are interested then you have my blessing …
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