This thread is embarrassing

No, Genius is the next category up!


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I think Xojo has a built in intelligence test. No matter how many CPUs you have in your computer, you won’t be able to use them without “workers” and no matter how fast the computer is, Xojo will boot extremely slowly with a few plugins. Anyone who recognizes this and then runs away is intelligent. Anyone who, like me, has tolerated this for years and hoped for improvement is as stupid as bread.


That’s what they are calling now “emotional intelligence”, or “social intelligence” etc. In the old days I think it was called respect and modesty.

Many highly intelligent people tend to be cocky. This manifests itself, for example, in the fact that many of those now describe themselves as autistic, and by doing this they are not doing true autistic people any favors, and using this as an excuse for simply having no manners.

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Yup, geniuses have the big picture. The problem is that at a few thousand feet the oxygen is scarce and they tend to hallucinate fairly quickly.

Being autistic doesnt excuse you of having to have respect for others
Far too many people use it as an excuse like Oh you have to excuse Billy he’s autistic
Sometimes it is
But not always

Seems that over the years being diagnosed as suffering with some condition absolves the sufferer of any & all responsibility esp if its related to their condition
I dont believe it does - certainly not in ALL cases

Or they’ve been riding around with Cheech & Chong far too long :stuck_out_tongue:


Hehe :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have autistic relatives and trust me they can learn politeness and empathetic behavior. That doesn’t mean society doesn’t have a LOT of work to do in accepting their legitimate differences, but the onus is still on neurodiverse persons to learn the social ropes, even if it’s harder for them.

Disclaimer: it’s called a spectrum for a reason. Some truly are incapable, but in general those people will never live independently anyway.

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I have nieces who are both FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder) kids
One you would never guess
The other is VERY obvious - at first you might guess Down’s Syndrome

Not quite the same but in some respects they could have used that as an excuse
They dont

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Ha ha… I failed the entrance exam, I guess that means I’m not that smrt.

Are most people not insecure? Am I crazy one or is it everyone else?


I have an uncle who’s a politician (shudders), but doesn’t know how to change the tire on his car. One time, he got a flat, he just decided it was time for a new car.


Thanks for putting a downer on my weekend as it starts.

Mensa People are not all bad people. But I know that Intelligence often brings also problems with. Social interaction is a problem many have. And some also are simply narrow minded and cannot recognize that others are in the same wise intelligent.

I believe strongly that this “club” is also for people of this category to throw out: “Hey, I am an intelligent Mensa Member and what are you”. I can’t stand that. I made once a test and was Member. For short time while this kind of people is not that what I want to have around me.

Yes, intelligence says nothing about the qualification. And it is nothing you can be proud of. You have not done anything for it. It is nothing you can do training or what ever. It is something nature was giving. And nothing what gives people the right to be arrogant assholes or narrow minded.

So it is - for me - not an environment cause too many of them are like they are.

When meeting people I don’t need a collection of intelligent assholes. I like more to be together with lovely people. My best friend is one of this type. He is not the most intelligent one. But in the last 40 years he was loyal at my side. When ever I needed help or felt bad or what ever: he was there. And is still always there.

So for me the question is: would he be a better person if he would be high intelligent? Answer is definitely NO. Cause character has nothing to do with intelligence.

So for me only the Person counts. Not what amount of money the person has, the car the person drives or the intelligence of the person. Because nothing of this has to do with being able to be a good friend to someone.

Looking on my company: yes I have intelligent people. But nobody narrow minded. Nobody. And that makes much more fun than having a narrow minded .ssho.e around me even if this will be the most intelligent one.

Yes, a good decision. But not running means nothing. Sometimes the people having no need for running. That says nothing about their intelligence. Shows only their tolerance of being jackassed. :horse:(there is no donkey, sorry, so I only can spend a horse as symbol…)

I was never understanding why people are accepting that over long time. For me it was clear: not acceptable behavior, ciao belli. For me the tolerance border was crashed when they switched from Web 1 to Web 2 and immediately deprecated Web 1 without a functioning Web 2. In Environments like Java that would be unthinkable.

As Example: Between Java 7 and Java 8 there was a long List of deprecations and changes. Really incompatible stuffs. It would cost a Rewrite of many applications. So they have done a trick so people had a bit more time like with Xojo. Java 8 released in March 2014. The Support and Maintenance for Java ended 10 month ago in 2022. So you had 8 years for rewriting to Java 8 and still having the Java 7 based version of your software in the market. As a developer this is the best situation you can have. Because the last released new version of the Software with Java 7 left you enough time for building a release with Java 8.

The next similar “Big Bang” was between Java 8 and Java 11. 2018 Java 11 released with many changes. Java 8 is in Maintenance and also Support until 2030. So you have security that you can release your Java 8 Software until 2030. Time enough to do the needed changes.

That makes development possible. Not like the Xojo one. Hey we have a new Idea and we invented not a new wheel. we will deliver only the new one and please ask not for spaceports or for Support for the old Wheels, we throw them into garbage can. Use only the new one. The old one is dead.

In that MOMENT I recognized: that platform has a usability for professional programmers of exactly 0. Nice concept? Yes. Good Idea? Yes. Can I get a Job done with it? Mostly often (not enough for a yes without conditions). But can I count on my Technology I was developing for my income for the next years? NO.

At the day it stops starting on new Versions of windows, Linux or MacOS your Sourcecode is ready to be deleted. Nobody can do anything with it anymore.

So an adventure of two years ended immediately. Did I ranted? Yes. Was Mr. Stueker Angry? Yes. I lost the work of many people in one minute.

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Mostly they want to say: …normally we want to say Billy Is an asshole. A gigantic one. But we are polite and so we always say he is autistic. That is no excuse. Yes, I am sometimes also rude. But I am working on it. I try always to be polite. And not all times it works like it should. But is that an excuse? NO.

Having a high IQ means that you are good at IQ tests. I have known a number of software folks who were also Mensa members, and they weren’t particularly good at software development, just good at solving puzzles and some mind games. IMHO, wisdom and experience outperform “intelligence”, especially in our field.

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look on the ones having both. You will never say that again. But that does nothing. Intelligence following to an intelligence test they do is simple to show. But real intelligence needs more components. It is a simple club of a bunch of people thinking they are high society while intelligent. That has nothing to do with being really high intelligent. For me there is no need to be in that club while there is too less professionally when you look on that people.

And that is, simply, not intelligent. When and if you do something, do it in a professional way. That IS intelligent.


from which is meant as HUMOUR, not a guide

I used to work for a CEO, no not Geoff, that loved to post those inspirational posters everywhere
So I had many of despairs as desktop wallpapers etc and it used to piss him off

Especially this one

Yeah, ^^^ this.

There are many different kinds of intelligence, some quite narrow in scope. Some high-IQ people (assuming that even means anything, for the sake of argument) are socially, relationally, and/or professionally inept. Some relatively low-IQ people are extremely skillful in those same areas, even if they don’t use big words to navigate the world.

You could argue that our two dogs are of differing intelligence but the truth is that one is a purebred Norwich Terrier, optimized for zeroing in on vermin. For things that require laser focus, tenacity, and fearlessness, she’s VERY intelligent. But by more human standards, she’s dumb as a post. Often doesn’t notice when my wife and I switch which dogs we are walking and like six blocks later she’s astounded that my wife has turned into me :wink:

By contrast the other dog (a mixed breed) has, at a dog level, existential concerns. Like the cartoon of the dog looking thoughtfully into the sunset, thinking, “what if I never figure out who’s a good dog??”. He WORRIES. He has anxiety. He’s literally taking Prozac and the occasional Valium lest he low-grade whimper all day and drive us and himself nuts. He’s extremely empathetic and aware of our every need. He expresses a much greater range of emotion. Is he objectively “smarter”? Depends on the lens you look at him through.

My previous/late wife tested out at a 160 IQ but never took it seriously or led with it. That enabled her to read hexadecimal core dumps directly in her work as a mainframe software developer, but she was a case of arrested development in several aspects of interpersonal interaction. I tested out around 135 in my youth so I need some sort of tool in front of a core dump to make sense of it but I could run circles around her in human relations / communication. And there are plenty of folks who can run circles around ME. It’s all relative, and fairly independent of IQ scores.

I take high IQ scores as a proxy for general potential in areas of actual interest, but don’t assume that potential is fully realized or developed. It is just an ability to process data quickly that you choose to process at all.

There are many different types of ‘intelligence’.

Sometimes I believey dog is intelligent. He can sleep the whole day

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