The Xojo store is on sale!

start a new thread about such a venture

It all deppends of what you whant.

Bad desing and implementation of events and sessions: Are you ok with a slow web app, then xojo is great!

Dont bother with what is wrong, please Consider the hard work that the team has put in the tool and use it to make 50% of your app, the rest can be done in workarounds. you need show data in a table? what if you make a pdf and download because our table doesnt work? Send the files by mails and make another app to download them because our file uploader is broken. Sounds stupid? it is!

If your app needs a feature that is broken, ALL THE PRODUCT IS BROKEN for what is worth.

Well, I’m aware of this.
Another metaphor, continuing your, could be if you already have all the plants, minerals and animal species but not the planet. What you have would be worth trying to “make a planet”, but it’s hard anyway (and you’d sacrifice living things if you don’t).
But, well, I agree my metaphor is oversized :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, I agree and I encounter this at times. But when I don’t pass by a broken feature (as there are still plenty to take into account), I still thank Xojo for having made me able to achieve that.
(and I feel I thank Xojo more than I get annoyed by its bugs/design, etc.).

I have a car to sell you with some issues. Interested?


Would depend on the issues. I never need all the technology found in cars these days (nor since 20 years ago), as long as the car runs.

There are people who wouldn’t drive a car that has a single issue, would it only be about air flowing; there are others who need comfort.
And there is still another group who can disregard issues if the product runs “well enough”.
As long as the issues of your car aren’t about brake or security, I may not mind.

No one needs to always buy/have perfect products.

I don’t drive a recent model car, I accept the car has its issues and I’m OK with that. But they day I need to hack the engine to make it run is the day I will set it on fire.


But on the Xojo Car your Clutch, your Gear, your Motor and your tyres have issues beside the defects on Air-Condition and Door lockers

For many in-house X-Platform desktop apps Xojo is still a reasonable choice though still buggier and not as feature complete as it should be IMO. The latter can be solved with plugins…for a price…which is a bigger issues for in-house stuff than commercial apps.


Hm, Karen, If I say I will write inHouse I can do it with Java for less money without problems. JavaFX with Scenebuilder, IntelliJIdea Community Edition and DBManager as Database Helper would do what you wanted. If you need mobile and Web you need Gluon and Cuba Studio. Why I should buy Xojo for inhouse use to have to buy Plugins (and the pain of installing) and an unstable Compiler framework? There is no argument what is speaking for your Idea!

Just get the MBS Motor, the Einhugur gear and the Graffitsuite tires :smiley:


I owned a Ford Pinto way back when
Mine never blew up ( thankfully )
But did that mean I could / should ignore the problem ?
We took it in and had the protective shield Ford created installed

The you havent experienced an issue others are reporting doesnt mean you will never experience it
It may be a matter of WHEN, not IF

And that is the crux of the complaints
These bugs & issues are not getting resolved but new features, that are also bringing out new bugs (new JsonItem, webfile downloader spring to mind), are getting added
Even API 2.0 has issues
Thse things NEED to get addressed sooner rather than later
Before they affect an increasing share of the users

For some its already too late and they have moved on
For some they are on the fence about moving because Xojo IS convenient - but the bugs affect them and so they are reluctantly considering moving

And others remain ever hopeful that Xojo will alter its behaviour and do something
Personally I’m hopeful they do
But I’m not holding my breath either and have some clients that do need apps completely rewritten from scratch & we’ll consider alternatives

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Of course, because you need them if you want to get somewhere! Else all you bought was some very expensive overpainted rusty bodywork with an outdated engine, where now and then the roof will be blown off as soon as you hit the highway. Or you move on and go to a dealer that has it all standard included and it all fits nicely together by design.

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If anyone wants to use the actual Xojo sale + Add-Ons like MBS to tune up their car, please do so today.

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shouldnt the car have come with a motor, gears and tires that work ?

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Well, it may come with something.
But when you buy a new car, you usually don’t take the base model.
You always upgrade that stuff to get a decent engine, tires, radio, GPS, etc.

Yeah I usually order it from the factory that way :slight_smile:


And as said before, most Xojo users are very happy without plugins.

Christian I don’t Want to shock you but there are many people which went away wordless. The big plus of users for b4x and in the java edge shows that

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MOST - I’d LOVE to know where this comes from ?