The USA‘s slide into Fascism …

Laws ? we dont need no stinking laws !

I don’t remember any of the Canadians here saying it was perfect there either. But that’s a nice deflection attempt.

What I find amazing is that TraderX complains about us “trashing” the US (and our collective posts were about the governments ineptitude and the ruling party’s take over by the far right fringe), and then comes with vile and increasingly unhinged posts that pick single bad people in other countries?

If he wanted to show us that Republicans are better than we thought and basically be an Ambassador for them, then he failed spectacularly.

The really sad bit is - i fear he won’t even understand why … because in the pursuit of power most Republicans seem to have lost any sense of shame and their decency (otherwise how could they justify separating small kids from their mothers and putting them into cages) …

The modern Republicans will become like the McCarthy era for the US - a stain on their honour. They claim to uphold the “flag”, but to them it is just a ritual that they hold onto in desperation because they lost all values that make the flag a symbol in the first place (and I think we all know where Captain America would stand on the debate).

No wonder people all over the World, from Africa to Asia, from Europe to New Zealand, have started to pity the US Americans …

We have to fight off polar bears and moose and all manner of other wild animals
Thank god for a good free health care system ! :slight_smile:

I guess Fauci is “badmouthing” Trump too by setting the record straight?

As I had said: those clips are simply cuts out of context …

And just to show that NZ has it’s own lunatics (the stupidity is mind-boggling):

We already knew that :roll_eyes:

Eek. I think this is legit and now I feel dirty:

Can I sue for 1 mil Euros?

Go for it !
Why they’d send such a thing to a person outside the USA is nuts
Its illegal for you to donate
Dont know if it is illegal for them to solicit donations from people outside the country

I get those 3-5 times per day lately. That looks like one of the recent ones.
It is interesting to see how often they beg for money. I have never donated.
My mistake was responding to a ‘How am I doing?’ poll to which I said ‘painfully bad’.

I’ve seen reports that say Trumps campaign is low on $ and being badly outspent everywhere by Biden

I am subscribed to both campaigns emails (yes, I am a bit of a political masochist). The Trump ones have always been more aggressive and I’ve even been browbeaten by them for not having donated. I live in one of the most hotly contested parts of Florida (at least until the end of this month, then I’m relocating to Texas for my wife’s work). It does seem that the Biden commercials are on more frequently than the Trump ones. Interestingly, there aren’t as many of either as I recall from 2016. We’re still getting ads from lawyers and the occasional public service announcement. Those were all pushed out by political spending at this point four years ago.

I wish I could say I was surprised … :roll_eyes:

It’s illegal for non-Americans to donate. I didn’t opt in. Trump did solicit support from politicians in 2016 already. Which should have been enough to disqualify him immediately.

Anyone can solicit donations from anyone anywhere unless it violates the laws of the originating country. So if is asking for the money for their own use and is not affiliated in any way, other than dogmatically, with a political campaign then what they are doing is legal (and probably intentionally misleading). Now, if it was attached to a political campaign, then it wouldn’t be legal. If it was a PAC then things get murky; it’s legal if the funds were for their own use but illegal if for direct support of a party or campaign.

I will be so glad when all this is over and we can go back to whatever it is that passes for, or will pass as, normal.

It is hard to imagine what “normal” is going to look like
Will it go back to what it was 5 years ago ? 10 ? 20 ?
Probably unlikely on all counts

The only way I see it gets back to something “normal” where truth, morals, ethics and the rule of law count is to evict all those who eschew such principles and that do not adhere to the laws of the country

IMHO only voters can make that happen

I happen to believe that IS possible

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hope it gets a lot of air play
and that the record early voting carries on
that usually bodes well for democrats

Hmmm … so much for non-partisanship of the Supreme Court …

“You’re the president, not someone’s crazy uncle.”

Priceless. :rofl: