One day ago, you missed Xojo’s DBKit announcement

is unchangeable but isnt a CONST

Subtle difference since if that were in a loop xyzzy could change each iteration
But in lang like Xojo, C++ where its defined as CONST it is set at compile time

its one of those “huh?” things in Swift for me :slight_smile:

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Is JavaScript CONST a real constant? You can still modify object at will…

I meant that it is immutable within the scope that it exists

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I dunno if it is in JS - it is in C++ and Xojo
set & initialized at compile time

I get that

its just ever so slightly different than Xojo/C++ (and I’m sure some others) where its set AT compile time and unmodifiable

I had to do some research to figure out that date and that’s what I got from Wikipedia. Either I Googled wrong or what I found was wrong.

Point still stands, using “Var” doesn’t make it a modern languages, especially not when an actual modern language uses instructions first introduced in the 1960s…

Well, some self proclamed genious thinks that it does and he “knows better” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Which is exactly why I haven’t renewed. Stop with the “I know better than you” attitude and start listening to what people actually want and maybe they’ll pay you for what they want and not what you think people want.



developer of the month award in the air …

We should implement Xojo Champions. They are needed to understand the deepness of that kind of decisions#

Ja someting like rotten tomatoes for the Xojo Bug of the month


Just recently that is 2 days back I ran into a DB called PocketDB which is powered by SQLite and is a treat to use.

I think all Xojo users should check it out.

Currently I am testing it but inside a web app as I have moved to building enterprise ready web app and left behind standalone desktop apps.

You are right on the same place and in the same world. Okay I am not the most comprehensive fan of viscose I love GOLang Platform of Jetbrains more for GO but what we are speaking about? Ahh ya. A question of taste but not of functionality. When speaking about Xojo IDE it is unbelievable to get to the point.

Got a link? Cant find anything other than a old github repo

It is now called Pocket Base.

Let someone talk who tried it out:

Playing with DBKit and MySQL

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Holy crap. it doesn’t use Prepared Statements???

Personally I’d start by

  1. grab argen
  2. generate the project from it
  3. open that project & copy paste ALL of ActiveRecord into your project
  4. NOW add subclasses of controls to use the classes Argen generated for your DB
    They can be fairly generic

I’ve done this for a client and in their case its as simple as

  • drag a listbox onto a layout
  • set a few properties that tell it what class type & properties to display
  • run

Ironically, I asked for this feature so Xojo could make db access easier for peeps coming from FileMaker.

My expectations were a new DB Controller like the old Control Binding where the record set would have controls registered to it and then automatically, via the record set, set, save, etc and trigger new events for detailed handing.

Instead it sat on the Road Map for a long ass time and then not implmeneted anywhere near what Geoff and I discussed. It’s like this was just thrown at the wall to just tick it off the Road Map.

I doubt that the MVPs got a chance to review the plan or the code before Geoff released it…