One day ago, you missed Xojo’s DBKit announcement

Citizen developers are aiming for the “Mile High Club” but not working, business devs like you are not on their roadmap (talking about Xojo, not the MHC) :wink:


Can only concur. Now working daily with Xcode, I would never return to the Xojo IDE.

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I’ve been using VSCode every day for 9 months. It has its quirks but I generally like it.

I got put back on a Xojo project for a few months and the Xojo IDE is slow, lethargic, lacks git integration, is not customizable, and I have to compile to find code errors. I’m not happy with it.


We’re all finding our new worlds. Healing has started. :slight_smile:


Is this some sort of punishment or something ?

I thought you were a Good Employee™ ?


I know you guys still have / had a pile of Xojo there

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Sort of feels like it.

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Realistically what advantage does Xojo have that t’other tools don’t for citizen developers. Given how close Swift and Xojo language are, I wouldn’t say that Xojo is easier to learn (unlike Objective-C).
SwiftUI is incredible and clearly illustrates how Xojo stop playing the game, disrobed and is chasing butterflies around the field.

The only thing I can see is the lack of options making the IDE really simplistic, less intimidating. However, in my honest opinion, I don’t think it helps, I suspect that New Xojo customers have become harder and harder to find, that is why they’re pushing busy work to make it look like they’re still making “Progress”.

When Geoff made the quote about “Change = Progress”, he left out a “!”.

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But Var makes xojo a “modern” languaje :crazy_face:

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But JavaScript is older than REALBasic.

How about a truly modern language “Swift”, which uses “LET”… Oh… “LET” was first used in 1977…

LET was used in the original versions of BASIC in 1964 :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m just going to mention one word - Datawindows - , share a link - and hide under a desk

be nice if there was - now Android is “out” - one day a XOJO control for datawindows?


oh please yourselves
( and have a nice day )

you could point this gentleman

to Xojo.

He’ll like it. Very clear syntax. Use Var or Dim to your liking and there is no magic difference whatsoever :slight_smile:


one of the issues I have with languages is that as you learn more & more they seem to settle on a small subset of words for syntax

yet they mean radically different things in each making it sometimes more difficult to get the hang of a new language than it should be

LET is but one example

What other meaning does “LET” have? Best I’ve seen it defines a constant

I don’t think Norman was referring to Swift specifically.

let in Javascript is more limited in scope than var. Additionally there is const for the purpose of being a constant.

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LET, in BASIC, was originally required as part of an assignment

LET in JS has a similar purpose

Lisp apparently uses it (no idea about usage style etc)

And now Swift has its own notion of LET which isnt like any I’ve encountered

And therein lies the issue with using similar syntax for unique purposes

except its not QUITE the same as a CONST
Its different than that

If I immersed myself in swift and swift alone I’d probably grasp everything about it
But I rarely use swift since thats not where my work lies

So I still find its syntax somewhat odd


if (let ... )

really ???

I had forgotten the original BASIC use of “LET” seeing as how in later incarnations it was “optional”

And I can’t think of any use/function or feature of “LET” in Swift that isn’t a “constant”


if let xyz = abc

in that usage its not “CONST” in the sense of “known at compile time and CONSTANT”

Let is the optional unwrapping in that case (isnt it ? as far as I understand it thats the usage)

you are correct

but “xyz” IS a constant (as in it cannot be modified) unlike ABC