Xojo staff no longer particpate in TOF

C’mon! Really?! What a joke this company has become. They clearly state themselves the roadmap is no indication of release and you should definitely NOT rely on it to make plans for your own development. The OP is asking for some indication of release because he needs Android for his project and again, they lie right into his face. So glad we moved away from this crappy company…

Is the list of open issues really going down? Or just being “archived”?



After quite some time, I revisited their issues site this week. Xojo bot had been very productive and there is an impressive necropolis of unfixed ‘archived’ bugs.

Like when they changed the default TextOutputStream encoding and I ended with LOTS of corrupted files :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Yes, lots of breaking changes


Jul 19, 2022 there were 2018 open reports labelled BUG
Today there are 2133

Jul 19, 2022 there were 4154 archived reports
Today there are 4241

This DESPITE them fixing hundreds in each release, the bug bashes, etc

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[quote=“npalardy, post:40, topic:3084”]
[Xojo: Account Login ][/quote]

Did I read it correctly that they only consider that a documentation issue???

  • Karen

A roadmap is supposed to, well, map where we’re going … but don’t use it to see where we’re going.

Got it.

Certainly, in software development generally, you don’t know what you don’t know until you know it, so the client’s desire for estimates are in a sense misplaced when a given feature can take way longer than foreseen because of knock-on effects or unanticipated interactions. So it’s not like you wouldn’t occasionally have to revise a roadmap … but it can’t be 100% “don’t hold me to anything” aspirational, either, thereby rendering it meaningless as any sort of guidance. Otherwise I would imagine everyone does what I do, which is ignore the roadmap altogether.


I begged Geoff for the Roadmap. He was worried about folks taking it as a promise, but I said, add a disclaimer…

All and all, the Roadmap is better than not having a Roadmap.

Sadly, “Easy Database Connectivity” never makes it up the list.

It is just a mediocre way to gaslight users. They change the docs, and thell the users, you should read the docs on how to use that…

Yeah, you must reall ALL the documentation to see if something silently changed… :roll_eyes:

…and the documentation is still truffed with errors that make live miserable for those who try to learn coding in Xojo:


Xojo team still does not show the slightest sign of embarrassment for throwing such a thing at paying customers.

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What are you expecting. When starting to be to arrogant to recognize that Customers ranting while they are right and instead searching for solutions banning them it starts always that you can’t see and realize that there is a problem. This Problem is something you can see on many places. Here it is documentation, there it is functionality, no threads and so on. All ignored Stuffs which are still since years ignored

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That was sort of how it started but they HAVE reverted the change apparently in newer versions apparently

I should just send them code as I’ve now done this for different clients at least 3 different ways

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Just another example of Geoff Perlman and Dana Brown letting the Xojo old data control binding die on the vine.

Same with Reports and other functionality, I’m sure.

Build it, announce it, let it wither…

Reports were complete trash. Not only were limited in capabilities, but when pronting were send to the printer in raster mode and low resolution. Imposible to save those as PDF or anything usable.

Build it barely working, announce it, let it that way as long as posible…

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Another quality post from Xojo staff.

Actually, Norm, the IRS test is if they provide you with the tools of your trade, or tell you the hours you need to work, you’re in danger of being an employee.

Theres a bunch of criteria they use to evaluate whether you are / are not an employee
They are much the same as here

Pot ?
Meet kettle

Dear Mr (Miss?) Dalu.
Please be aware this is NOT an Xojo oriented forum. This is an open forum to discuss and educate others about many software tools.