Xojo Hmmmm šŸ¤”

This is why I have an Xbox and not a Playstation.

Oh, I think time has already told. Xojo has missed their chance for some big break a long time ago, a big part because of those ā€˜geniusā€™ decisions, and they have been in survival mode ever since.


The sad part is that you are driven to this decision by the behavior of this Guy. You looked the entire time like the candidate for the next (and even better) MVP. And I thought always: ā€œwhat the heck they are drinking in the morningā€. Nut today it sounds totally different. After waking up it is the normal way. and that process is not fast. It is a slow one. Only when you get stitched like I was you start to realize: okay, no other chance for.

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Thatā€™s right, weā€™ll see. If the past can tell us about the future, I have a suspicion about how this will endā€¦

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I agree. API 2 severely hampered if not outright broke my workflow. But Iā€™m sure all the whining will ā€œtail-offā€ soon as those whiners move on to other solutions. They certainly have my (employerā€™s) last dollar and Iā€™m done with TOF and Feedback.

The business issue here for them is that, because of their subscription model, they need to at least continue to attract enough new users to make up for the attrition. Long-standing, reliable customers (aka whiners) may leave, and if these beginners they are after donā€™t convert to long-standing, reliable customers because they hit the wall of limitations, bot-closed feedback, and narcissism, then they have to attract even more beginners to make up the difference. But, as weā€™ve discussed in other threads, just about zero of the younger crowd even knows about Xojo, and even if they did, it would be very unlikely they would adopt it. The VB article offers some perspective on this entire market segment, and rebranding as a ā€œlow-codeā€ tool in an increasingly competitive space with actual low-code tools seems quite risky.


Imagine if all the wacky changes were done but with less bugsā€¦ I might have stuck with it.

I think our hero has a very reasonable and understandable fear of any product that has an X in it. :wink:

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Muahahahah. No more XojoBot auto closing of verified ā€œIssuesā€.

MVPs get all the credit. :thinking:

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Thatā€™s right, and you donā€™t need annual meetings for that anymore, but rather put these EURs into advice on how to market ā€œlow-codeā€ better.

But maybe the superhero is right. When chatGPT 6 has crushed our jobs, then we will come crawling up and tell Xojo Siri that in low code we need this and that for the following platforms.

ā€œHey Xojo, please develop an app with 436 bugs and always crashing in a German environment. Please buy all MBS plugins and install the updates on all 74 Xojo instances on my MacbookPro and please ensure that auto-renew is clicked in my profile.ā€

"Hey Jeannot, will do, still booting the IDE ā€¦ "

her favorite job is planning and attending XDC events

Normal, as Dana will soon have another favorite job as there will be no XDC. I bet it will be changing the status to ā€œneeds reviewā€, just in time before the auto-closing bot runs a few hours later over those :slight_smile:

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There are several threads from TOF members signalling that the auto-closing ā€˜archivingā€™ of bug reports without due verification is inappropriate and leads to undesired outcomes.

Thanking the MVPs for this is a strategy of painting the regular forum member as insignificant, in line with their masterā€™s view and wishes. Thatā€™s low and pathetic.

Xojoā€™ senior management really makes an effort telling all non-MVP members of their forum that they are insignificant buggers whoā€™s comments and requests amount to nothing.

Let us also remember that some MVPs rode vile and aggressive attacks against TOF members whoā€™s sole mistake was to suggest something Xojo Inc has put in action a few months later.



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The Xojo place stinks!

And unfair, we all know that it is very likely (not to say certain) that Christian was the only one who addressed the issue at all.

If Xojo now thinks that they have to document and seal such trivialities unanimously and after intensive consultation, then that is quite embarrassing. Gossip instead of working on the bugs.

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Quite right! I wonder if any of those MVPs will have the decency to pass the credits to the users. After all, communication by the MVPs is a two-way street, no?

Wishful thinking, I know. Does not fit in the self-padding-on-the-back company cultureā€¦


Presenting the ending of a deviation from due process as an achievement is an embarrassment in itself.
Le ricidule ne tue pasā€¦

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Iā€™ve recently written an article about Twitter and tried to find a word for its fate. Cory Doctorow found already one (regarding to TikTok). He called it ā€œEnshittification lifecycleā€:

Here is how platforms die: First, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die. (ā€¦) this is the enshittification lifecycle.

This is exactly how platforms die and you can clearly see, where Xojo isā€¦


chatGPT, please replace the gentleman in this movie with GP. Donā€™t change the audio, it still fits.

Sounds like Geoffilatedā€¦




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but hey, they say ā€œthank you MVPsā€ today. Sounds like a final farewell on a never-come-back-journey to irrelevanceā€¦

Uhmā€¦ to me it looks like all many MVPs making their money with additional addons to the Xojo Ecosystem? What incentives do they have to make the product better then?