Xojo bug bash

Don’t worry, Thorsten - Julian is a good programmer but just likes a bit too much telling others what they should do, how they should be, what they should or shouldn’t say … bit of a “boss complex” I guess, common in people who become convinced of their own importance and think they have authority over others. If you ever wondered how “Power corrupts”? That’s how it starts … which is why I nominated him for MVP last week … :wink:

The funny thing is that he seems completely oblivious to the fact that he is not fulfilling his own standards / demands. Or maybe not “oblivious”, more blinkered … a bit “trumpian” … a la “if you do it it is wrong … if I do it what could possibly be wrong with it as I do it for the RIGHT reasons … MY reasons!”

As someone once said: “You can be offended all day long - but you are not obliged to.”. So if people get their knickers in a twist, complain, and hide messages (the little brother of censorship) then it’s not my problem - and if they can’t see it, then that’s not my problem either. And if they think they can tell me what to do - well, then they are deluded. Not my problem either.

Or as my wife likes to say: “So some idiot on the internet is wrong … NEXT!”


P.S. I sometimes do wonder how these people would cope if they really had to deal with Klingons, Ferengi, Cardassians, etc when they can’t even deal with people who deviate just slightly from their tightly controlled comfort zone …

Yeah. See, I am discussing with my employees things. I am not deciding. Not since I hired the first Employee in 1990. I started this business before I even started my studies and financed my studies with this. And therefore: I opened the Business “Development of Hardware and Software” in June 1987. Before 35 years. I guess: there is nothing that can shock me anymore after the big deal with the Xojo-Deprecations. But I’ve learned. Never, even if I loose the customer, never I will implement something in Xojo. If one will ask I will say no. Believing is ended. And yes, since more than 20 years Java was never making me such kind of problems.

Varandor, maj, jIHvaD ‘e’ vISovba’.

Varandor, I don’t even know me!

I am working in Project Management most of my time. Here one of my assets.


at least now I know what the tactic is called



Looks to me like a close relative of “normalization of deviance”—which destroyed two space shuttles.

Some companies are trying the following strategy to fight against the ostrich algorithm: reducing the amount of ostriches. In science it is called the “Androidsoon paradoxon”.

It’s getting worse. About 4 weeks ago I have send an email to Dave about things that I had noticed in RAD pack.
No reaction at all.
I’m afraid that Dave’s project has stopped.:worried:

Lets just say I think Xojo’s headed in the wrong direction

When they released 2022r3.2 there were, even after the bug bash, 2086 open bug reports
Today there are 2107

In the 20 days since since they released 2022r3.2 there have been 300+ new reports

And I believe this is a symptom of NOT doing unit testing very well Xojo: Account Login

There’s NO way that should have escaped a unit test - but there we are with an MVP even confirming it on iOS

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And this despite the help of Xojo Bot and the ‘closed because no information was provided within 14 days’ trick.

I once counted that only about 1% of the bugs they qualify ‘reproducible’ get fixed.

Indeed - even with those auto closing reports the count is going UP
When 2022r3.2 shipped there were 4182 archived bug reports
Today there are 4188
So its not a rapidly growing #

What it sys to me is nothing new
There arent enough staff to triage reports of all kinds or handle the volume of incoming reports
But, rather than change processes etc to see that new releases dont create floods of new reports they keep on with the same old same old expecting different results


And are shocked & surprised folks say “maybe you need to change how you do what you do”
Creating fewer bugs initially, shipping more thoroughly tested code each and every time (unit tests that DONT regress) would stem that ever growing flood of reports
At least when I personally adopted a process that ran unit tests all the time in the work I did I found it helped

Regarding Bugs:

  • Points didn’t help.
  • Lobbying Geoff doesn’t help.
  • Thumbs Up doesn’t help.
  • Archiving Bugs doesn’t help.
  • Having “Unit Tests” doesn’t help.
  • Being “Well Staffed” doesn’t help.

If you think Xojo will get a handle on bugs, you’re a sucker.

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$ speaks volumes

I haven’t bought a license since I left - clients have
At least two have stopped automatic renewals
Another has stopped renewing Pro licenses and moved most licenses to single target licenses

I wish people would stop paying for licenses “just to support them” as that rewards Xojo for behaviour and developments that DONT always help them like killing web 1 & API 2
Yet Windows hasn’t had any significant updates in years which is why people can keep using ancient versions for Windows without difficulty

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I was unable to get correct results from this function in 2022v2 for single characters in all cases. There is some kind of edge case issue around it. It seems to work consistently for strings of length > 1 for me at least. It was also somewhat intermittent and since I had a workaround it’s still on my list of things to explore in more detail. Maybe I will chime in on that report if I can find the time to find the offending code and build an airtight case. Not today for sure.

I agree with you that unit tests (and integration tests) with good coverage would cut these issues way down. For a product like Xojo that targets different platforms / operating systems I think integration testing is almost even more important because that exercises how different components interact in different contexts.

Maybe someone who still uses Xojo could create an array of Community Unit Tests that could be run when Xojo releases updates.

Maybe. Arguably. Nah.

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Could - yes

Sadly my expectation is this would be yet another thing the community takes on that Xojo ignores anyway

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I suppose it would be useful to people even if Xojo ignores it – the suite could be run after each Xojo update to give users a heads up on where the problems have moved. And to whatever extent it has good coverage of the whole API and not just stuff that is known to be problematic or previously fixed bugs, it would also surface any totally new problems.

It’s just a lot of work that should already be part of Xojo’s process and thus effectively included in the license fees. You’d have to be a True Believer to take that on yourself, and willing to really embrace the dysfunction having to take it on represents.

My relationship to Xojo is less that of a True Believer than an admirer-from-afar who doesn’t want to get too close to the flame. Xojo is like a pretty girl who is fun to party with if you don’t count on her too much but would seriously mess with your head should you end up in a truly committed relationship.


There are / were a couple attempts at this over time
ROTOR was one
XojoUnit is another
But few people contributed to either so they ended up being largely the efforts of just one person

Something that repeats itself over & over in the Xojo world
One reason you find so few “open source” items in Xojo compared to other languages
And there are other barriers
In order to contribute to an open source effort you need a pro license to be able to SAVE as text
So the group that might add items is already smaller than the entire user base

So when the license expires, so does the ability to save as text? I wonder what other “nags” are activated by a license expiration. You can’t compile an executable anymore either, just run the IDE? The sales pitch seems to suggest you just lose access to new releases, but I hadn’t contemplated all that lock-in.