Xojo Banning and Deleting Posts

I am a moderator
The post being hidden when flagged is a default setting for Discourse
Not sure yet how/where that setting is
Will look later when I get back

Only in that we use the same software that by default behaves this way
We DONT delete posts which TOF does

These are the defaults Discourse uses

My mistake. Should have been “hidden”. My apologies for that.

And two for two … must be the Olympic spirit: :1st_place_medal::1st_place_medal:

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Different era my friend, those who grew up with it understand it, the rest will never understand being turned into a newt, and getting better.

I think in this situation it would really help to understand why it was deemed offensive, don’t care who. Just why. Did the person reporting it, think you were being nasty? Did they think the humor was too vulgar?

… or an orang-utan and realizing the improvement that brought … ook!

But yes, knowing why might be nice, but I strongly suspect a conformist worldview of what is acceptable - and who would own up to that? Eg someone might be or is dying so put on a solemn face and demeanour, everything else is no good. As I explained above, it’s the same kind of view that makes people treat handicapped people with that voice they hate (“You poor thing! Do you need help?” - “Not. From. You.”), or that my brother so often encountered before his death. It completely ignores the wants and wishes of that person and is there to make yourself feel better (“Great! Best Wishes sent and I feel good about myself. I’m so marvellously caring that I couldn’t spend 2 min to come up with something original, but at least the others see that I wrote what everyone else wrote so I don’t look like I’m not caring …”).

Sorry for being cynical, but …

If Tim didn’t complain about the post then it’s a really bad reflection on the moderators that it’s not being reinstated considering he’s hearted it. I guess in their twisted logic, you’re not obeying the OP’s topic by sending him “wishes” but as you say, some people respond to and behave differently because of life experiences, I actually find it depressing that people can’t understand that and in their self righteous little world them clicking on that flag button made them feel like a big person getting one over on you, damn that’s sad, I hope they read this and take a long hard look in the mirror at themselves. I’m just glad that I don’t know them in person, if xojo want the definition of a troll, you have one there. Some people, I swear there’s a few of them that group up to flag posts from certain people.

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I can actually unhide it by editing it (which I just did but probably not as expected), but if it is still deemed inappropriate I might be banned … yeah, been there, got it, bought the T-Shirt … :roll_eyes:

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Bad humour shouldn’t get you flagged or banned. Was it the word itself? Was it the insinuation that Tim needed that type of surgery? Do I get flagged if I say a bad word like haemorrhoids? Which is totally unrelated to anything.

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:scream: haemorrhoids! :latin_cross::latin_cross::latin_cross:

:thinking: should I mark you just for the heck of it … basically you are asking me to do it :grin:

… :hourglass_flowing_sand:… :hourglass:…

:flushed: OI! What do you mean, “bad humour”! That’s offensive! And totally untrue! :rage:

P.S. just to show a reaction might not come from the direction you expect …

… and also: since when is haemorrhoids a bad word???

Why is vasectomy a bad word? Just thinking aloud why your post was flagged.

:thinking:… :thinking: … :thinking: … maybe “”vasectomy” was offensive?! Cutting to close to the mark for some men, so to speak … :wink:

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Don’t worry. You can get flagged for any reason, even reasons not related to your posts.

It’s more scary than bad, very scary in fact.

Yes and that behavior of the Forum Software makes it complex for some people to trust that we have no censoring here. And that is the most important point: no sponsoring.

The upside is that there has been ALMOST no flags in the entire life of INN

Folks seem to adhere to the “dont be an asshole” guideline without any further need for moderations etc

As well since we aren’t owned & operated or sponsored by any specific company there isn’t any “rules” about having to not mention other products, etc that result in posts being deleted on TOF

Reminded me of this:

It probably helps to think of this when evaluating my postings … :roll_eyes:

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Like magic, after I wrote this, I began experiencing a plethora of IDE bugs. It feels like the Xojo folks read my comment and somehow switched on bug mode on my IDE. I retract my former statement.

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That is the Core concept of their ALWAYS BETA (that feels like alpha), some bug fixes, but a whole new bunch of them on each release.

You just have to decide what set of bugs annoys you the least :sweat_smile:

Even 2021r2 which is there “release thats nothing but bug fixes” had new features

When I submitted that request I literally meant “0 new features. 0 changes. LOTS of bug fixes”
At least then we should, in theory, expect get the known bug count to come down.

New features & changes = new bugs yet to discover