XDC Anywhere?

Personally I think anyone needing to deploy for either iOS and/or Android will have moved on to an existing, proven stable tool. Sure the lure of “code sharing” is a nice “to have”, but Xojo has already proven that doesn’t work. Sharing code between an Xojo Desktop app and iOS is not seamless, and not even as simple as cut/paste… So that “feature” has already proven to be unsustainable.

Xojo has totally wasted its resources over the past few years, with nothing to show for it, When they should have cut their losses and dropped mobile and web, and moved the code base from 2019r1.1 forward without all the unnecessary renaming of events, functions and properties.


Indeed why I said might
I think anyone who really needed Android moved quite some time ago so moving back to Xojo to get android, because they can share code, is a risky move

Xojo for Android will be brand spanking new
How much would YOU want to depend on a 1.0 product ?

I agree entirely - I can’t see why you’d risk moving an existing project to Xojo (Android or otherwise)

Releasing Android 1 with a Converter ( to Xojo Android source) will probably be incentive enough.

But they do not do that for Web to Web2, so…

Or start a new one for that matter. Knowing Xojo’s history with releasing a new platform (Web, iOS), their first releases will be a beta at best, and it will be so for several years to come. As DaveS indicates, the sales pitch ‘write once, compile many’ has sailed a long time ago (doesn’t even work between releases anymore without breaking code). B4X with B4XPages is much closer to that promise than Xojo ever will be.

Xojo Android is now in pre-release testing for almost half a year already. I sometimes doubt they have enough in-house knowledge to tackle these platforms and the engineers have to learn them on-the-fly, hence the 3 (or is it 4?) rewrites of the Android framework. That can never mean good news, and certainly does not give users confidence in it.

The many rewrites of their language frameworks over the last decade demonstrates the lack of vision Xojo Inc. has. I’m sure Geoff will give it a spin in his keynote again that they have, but reality shows otherwise.

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I was amazed to read that this XDC anywhere has a keynote detailing a vision. What’s the vision - waste time, don’t deliver, don’t fix bugs and introduce more bugs in the process. Oh and then blame pro users for speaking the truth.


well we will see… honestly I do not expect more than “a vision”. period. end of the story… and it’s a pity to say this after a decade and more years using Xojo…

These announcements would be really a keychanger and could bring me back to XOJO:

  • Compiler, linker etc. become open-sourced under BSD or GPL license while the IDE and additional tools and plugins sold as closed-source. Finally XOJO could get integrated in basic CI and GIT toolchains.
  • drop of web, ios and android support and re-focussing to desktop (Win, Mac and GTK Linux, of course with console helper-programs with stdout) all for Intel and ARM.

I don’t see any of those being mentioned, let alone becoming reality.
Most likely they will announce Xojo for the Pocket PC

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ja, hence why I left the sinking ship?

You could flip that the other way, in which the version they release will be better than the first gen product.

I don’t think I’ve ever released an app that stuck to my original designs. The one I’m working on now, has been restarted 3 times now. In one case, I based my whole design one getting certain information from the Mac OS to determine if something was good or bad… Turned out I’d built the entire design around unreliable information from Apple, unreliable in the sense that sometimes, the data received just doesn’t make any sense. I had to go back to the drawing board and figure out a new metric.

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I don’t think that Geoff is dumb and I believe he has a vision, here’s 4 reasons why (clickbaity).

  • Xojo stuck to API 2.0, even though testers exclaimed the problems it would cause.
  • Xojo stuck to Web 2.0, even though testers exclaimed the problems it would cause.
  • Xojo stuck to DesktopControls, even though testers exclaimed the problems it would cause.
  • Xojo stuck to LR changes, even though testers exclaimed the problems it would cause.

Xojo has created a lot of resentment towards its experienced and enthusiastic developers, suggesting that we’re simply not part of that vision.

I don’t think that Xojo is going to go out of business, I am pretty certain that they have done the math, calculated that losing a certain percentage is acceptable, especially if that percentage of customer is potentially unprofitable.

Yes; "Pro"s pay 5x more than “Lite” customers, but some “Pro” customers are looking for functionality that Xojo doesn’t currently provide, adding it would cost way more than Xojo makes from that “Pro” customer.

Going forwards I would like Xojo to either better communicate who Xojo is for, by rebranding their pricing tiers (rename “Pro” to “Hobbyist” or something) or by changing how Pro customers are handled, rather than letting them feel kicked to the curb, pushed aside in favor of inexperienced developers.

We shall see the Xojo vision in 12 hours, hopefully I’m wrong and they’ll surprise us all.


:thinking: … He needs new glasses … :roll_eyes:

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A least some of the experienced hobbyist/“citizen developers” are not happy with their direction… IMO the key is not pro or not, but just experienced or not. The more experience the more the bugs and limitations tend to chafe…

And on top of that, if one is along time user of the product, all the changes for no obvious benefit (and well the as new bugs such changes introduce) REALLY rubs the wrong way.

Karen (Who has had a license for 21 years)


I look forward to the keynote video later today.
There should be at least one announcement inside, which you guys don’t know about :wink:

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I really hope it is not again something ‘new’ that is ‘coming soon’ like the previous Android announcements that were made over the last few years…

Well, the things in the pipeline are listed on Roadmap.

But there are things I’d love to see like using Workers within the IDE to speed up pre-compilation or plugin loading. Beside that I’d love to see compiler and IDE being separated, so the compiler can run without IDE and use multiple CPUs better.


Well that was pretty pathetic :unamused:


That’s it?! What a waste of time to get a history lesson (granted, it only was a couple of minutes :laughing:). A recap of their marketing mambo-jambo from the last 5 years.

Everyone all excited. Now crickets.

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