One small positive aspect is that I just wrote the pigpio library to replace the deprecated wiringPi library, and a new book on this will also be coming out in the near future
Here is the link: New pigpio - GPIO wrapper for Raspberry Pi
One small positive aspect is that I just wrote the pigpio library to replace the deprecated wiringPi library, and a new book on this will also be coming out in the near future
Here is the link: New pigpio - GPIO wrapper for Raspberry Pi
IfNotnil is a place where everyone can say their piece
Just keep it respectful and we’re all good
Yes it did seem Rod removed his account
That the participants here are largely long time users says something
And with very strong opinions that could/would have been cause for a ban elsewhere.
I find INN a happy place to learn and vent.
And if someone doesn’t like that, they can avoid the offending threads instead of deleting the acount
It’s an INN (for the British among us: a pub) so of course everyone and their opinion is welcome …
r3.1 suits me possibly because I don 't use dark mode, the xojo.* API, or API 1, or Text. And I don’t code for iOS or Web. I have no errors, one warning, and nothing behaves strangely, with the exception of Linux. Under Linux my HTMLViewer doesn’t initialise properly and for some controls the paint event doesn’t fire.
There are s number of users that have to move back and forth between version of Xojo for a variety of reasons. For them API 2 is a non-starter.
As well there are a number of complaints about how slow it is. I find it much slower than 2019r1.1 on the exact same hardware. I can start 2019r3.1 with the same set of plugins as 2019r1.1 and then start 2019r1.1 and 2019r1.1 will be up and ready first.
In usage I also find 2019r3.1 slower.
Those are my biggest complaints about it
Thank you for reminding me of this point, which I had overlooked.
What it amounts to, then, is that they shouldn’t have renamed anything - just added the new methods. Would that have worked?
Very possibly
I havent spent enough time analyzing in detail everything they have done
I’m certain there are / were potentially many routes to move things to API 2
The 2019r2 / 2.1 cycle seemed to pick the most painful for everyone.
It seems that the future, as once mentioned (darned if I recall where) will be to introduce “new controls” that basically are the same controls we have now but with the new event names etc
While that works for controls & such there are things like Window, Application and numerous others that I’m not sure what they plan to do. That wasnt mentioned.
Figuring this out on the fly, or where the push back will be as happened during the 2019r2 / 2.1 cycle, is just messy and hurts everyone including Xojo.
I sure hope they dont do that again
Not only that, but it’s one of the few programming forums i actually enjoy jumping in for a browse. Breath of fresh air… and helpful whenever i have question. INN is very much appreciated…
This was mentioned in the forum
very likely
didnt geoff mention something about this on one of the 2020 videos as well ?
So the arm thing, regarding ‘focus’.
can we (well I am doing so) speculate that the ‘its not such a big deal’ post from Xojo towers (regarding compiling for the ARM Mac) is actually why there are no more immediate ‘tester’ builds.
is all the road map out of the way now and we have a completely new one, even though it does not have any effect on win, web, android, linux, all the bugs that need fixing…
wow could it be that the ‘focus’ is now on non existent hardware and a non existent operating system, blimey, I suppose that all goes along with non existent licence renewals too.
where is the good news, please somebody find meeeee, somethinggggg to loooovvveeeeeee, we need Freddy back and doing his best to make life great again!
I dont believe that the intel -> ARM transition is causing delays in getting new builds out
They have not posted them before the transition was announced
This just adds to the pile I’m sure
Well, it seems Xojo 2019R3.1 and earlier won’t run under Rosetta:
but compiled apps do.
Which is kind of a contradiction as the IDE is compiled too. I guess it comes down to what you do …
Web 2.0 and Xojo 2020r1 release is their priority.
ARM support for MacOS may come in r2 as that has time till September at least.
Agree completely Dave. I also spend a great deal of time with Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. They just had a “major” release that mostly moved stuff around on the interface with perhaps marginal improvement in scrolling performance. And I see the same thing with Apple products.
Maybe we’ll have 2020r1 by Sept ?
Its June 30 and we arent at R1 yet and no idea when we will be
is that an official Xojo, line?
if so that tells me there will be a whopping 2 releases this year.
if there is ARM support coming, how long until it actually works as the OS its self is not even part baked yet ,so its going to be hard for anyone to line all the ducks up on day GO!.
what use is a new WEB or anything else if the IDE does not work on MaciOS.
sounds like it needs a two pronged approach and hope beyond hope that the ARM switch is as Geoff said, not such a big thing.
interesting times.
They dont even have the hardware yet to make tests, a realistic time to have a native ARM IDE is 2021
Why all the fuss?
It is important to note that current MACs are going to be converted to ARM with a software update (Yes, there are people thinking that)
it is probably that the x64 subsystem will work the same in big sur than with 10.15 (the same apps runing native x64) , Until MAC drop it like x32
You can test if the IDE works in big sur and if not, avoid the update but in other thread I think @beatrixwillius tested the IDE on intel big sur