Where is Xojo Focus?

except rosetta 2 already doesnt support some SSE and other vector processing
not sure if it will or how much Xojo uses that, if at all

yeah I think the IDE on an Intel mac running BS runs (well or not I cant say)
I think @beatrixwillius reported some glitches

Currently the IDE doesn’t compile or run in BS. Bug is fixed for the next beta I hope.

hah … rabble rousers

geoff let that one run for a while but has now replied :stuck_out_tongue:

the ‘fuss’ as you call it is what happens to all the people who will not have a licence to build apps when the ARM stuff happens, if the IDE does not work, and will not be fixed in what is the current release of 19r3, the people who do not want, or are not able, to use API2 will be left with a non working product if they have an up to date Mac.

for me if 19r1 is unable to run in BS then I am not going to be able to use Xojo, even though I will have a current licence when the hardware and OS is publicly available, I have no doubt that anyone having to stick with API1 is not going to be able to use a Mac to work on IF (and its a big if) the Rosetta2 technology is not able to run the IDE that we currently have.

all that is going to have to be waited upon until the first public release of BS and just hope it does not cause issues, nor any subsequent updates.

BS Beta or Xojo Beta?

hope beyond hope its a BS bug.

Xojo. Case 60739 Fixed & Verified.

so does that mean that the IDE for the current release, 19r3 is not able to work on the new MaciOS and never will do.

thats what it appears like so far
that could change as Apple moves on with BS and ARM transition
not sure how closely tied together those two are or if they are tied together at all

time for someone at the top of the tree to think about a maintenance release for 19r3.1, that might keep a few people happy, and if there is a real good fairy do the same for 19r1.

would be nice but wont happen
at least I would not hold my breath waiting for one

so getting back to the OP, my answer to my own question is ‘not me’.
nothing I would hope to happen for the product is going to be happening, the product I have will no longer function in the latest ARM hardware (I am presuming) even though I have a current licence.

oh well, seems like all I can hope for is a miracle, common sense seems to be a non starter.

I think a fair number of people have come to realize that you dont pay yearly “just because”.

There used to be an incentive for that because you got a 50% reduction on “updates”.
But since they quit that and all purchases are basically new license priced why do that any more ?
If there’s nothing in a release then dont pay for one just because.
Best of all you CAN always try out a release for free and see IF it has bug fixes or other items you DO want and then buy it when you need it.

I have advised my clients to do this as well.
They’ll do as they see fit - its their money not mine.
Some will follow this advice and others may not.

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yes I agree with you entirely and thats great for a large number of people using the product, you can try it out, for free, thats a superb way to do stuff, but I don’t care about the new stuff, I want support for the working, current and proven stuff that every single current customer is using and trying to support.

I want to pay for the product, a reduction would be nice, but not paramount, I want to be part of the journey, many many people seem also to be in the same position.

I expect that I am not alone in thinking I would put auto renew on if the progress of the company was forward, well, even slightly forward.

JUNE FIRST I am writing this, the last release was 19r3.1, which was not even released in friggin 2019, it was Jan 23rd 2020, really, for feck sake, there is absolutely no excuse to treat highly skilled developers with such contempt.
unless, as the OP asks, is the focus on ‘Jonny newly graduated’ who does not know his programming arse from his face?

but the issue for me is I DO NOT want to join in another complete fiasco of API screw up, event name changes, Xojo.core nonsense, bug fixes that are screamingly obvious, but are totally ignored, web2 where I simply do not understand why its so much better(are Xojo cloud users with web1 going to be dumped off the servers as its depreciated), iOS that is basically useless without the support of the amazing third parties, no 64bit Pi support.

if 21r0 comes along, its got API2 only updates, does not have web1 in it at all, still has 32 bit Pi, is at beta level for web2, only new event names, a half assed initial android release(which I expect they will charge a separate licence for, feck off) and its associated iOS release, who the heck is going to want to jump on that band waggon.

jeeesss, I know I am banging on this downward spiral of doom and gloom regarding Xojo but, honestly anyone got some light to bring to this gloom.

I am but a tiny thorn in the side of Xojo, and only harp on about this as I would so dearly love to see the bright future of exponential growth for the company.

my own honest expectation is that its going to go gurgling, slowly, down the tubes and many, unlike me, who are not vocal nor part of any forum activity, will just move on and no one will ever notice.

the issue is VERY CLEARLY at the top of the tree (in my opinion) and no one is going to get a chance to make this product what it should be while that tree top is still there.

No question as to whom the blame for the ongoing is applicable, a very sad state of affairs at Xojo towers.

‘its my ball and I can do what I want with it’
yes you can, then there will eventually be no one who cares about the ball because a nice shiny new one just around the corner will come bouncing along, the gamble is, will it bounce now or later on…

I am hanging my hat on a depreciated version of Xojo, my customers are going to kick and scream about my decisions for future updates, I am going to lose some of their business for sure, I do not need to work for a living, so its not that much a deal, except losing a very long personal contact with clients who do need to have viable software to maintain their businesses.

until 19r1 stops actually working (on Mac at least) my option is now actually pointing toward B4x.

I have always dismissed it as its a win only IDE, but pissing about tonight with VMWare and the UNITY view it is actually acceptable as an environment, you do not see any win ugly stuff except the IDE, which is actually not so bad.

B4x is now free (damn I paid a two year licence last year, thats a whole €90 lost!), well the android bit is, iOS is still a paid subscription, really cheap, feature rich, write in basic (same as the android version).


it is absolutely not perfect, but less imperfect than Xojo, I don’t know, the main bad bit is its a windows IDE, and I am sad to say I have dismissed it for years (despite licensing it for 4 years) because of my utter dislike for any windows based environment.

I am now like many people, actively looking to replace Xojo as my whole work life centre.
Xojo is no longer RAD, I am seriously considering separate projects for differing platforms, and no longer dismissing this as too difficult, Xojo is just not viable for me long term, well not on MAC, who would believe it, I am going to stop using Xojo in the near future because my version is not Mac compatible , hahahahah, fer fecks sake…

I am beginning to care less, and looking at this post I should do so as who really wants to read all this crap from me, oh well, exciting times testing other environments!

I think this part says what a decent sized group of former xojo license holder would say
They really DO want Xojo to be great but the lack of direction and focus has lost them

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Oh my… that is quite the forum discussion lol!

Remind me again what exactly doesn’t work for you in 19r3.1? I use 19r3.1 in exactly the same way I used older versions, and had to make only very small changes to my existing code (some of them I found out later I didn’t even need to make).

Not that 19r3.1 “doesnt work” - once it up and running compiling etc is mostly OK
Except for OMG is it sloooooowwwwwwwww compared to 19r1.1
That seems to me to be the big complaint

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You need to be a prerelease tester to see it.