What are considered stable versions of Xojo

I just use Windows. And did a little Raspberry but Xojo sucks with the GPIO so had to move on.

I was lured by the VB6 replacement :man_facepalming:t2:

I did some apps almos 20 years ago, they worked in Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000.

In 2002 I updated them all to use visual styles and since then, worked without changes in XP, Vista, 8 and are runing flawlessly in Windows 10. One of them even was on various windows server.

Unfortunatelly, back in 1998, the installer was made 16 bits compatible, the right move back then but incompatible with recent windows. But you can repack the Visual Studio with another installer software and it runs fine on windows 10.

there are definitely people that felt the same way
but its certainly not the only reason people used it


he VB6 IDE ?
Certainly not been mine, or my clients experience with VB6
They are in the β€œmoving vb6 code to xojo” group of users (more or less)

Yes, I have it here

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