TOF: Xojo, not electron

Yeah, Geoff’s statement is VERY different than what Tim’s app does.

I’m suprised folks aren’t asking why the Xojo IDE doesn’t have the ability that Tim has added to NetSuite. All xojo would need to add is an FTP interface to list files flike the left side of the IDE. Then users could edit with whatever app they want like BBEdit.

I guess Tim knows the BBedit for websites page?

and that BBedit can edit and upload files to FTP servers since at least 2005?

see BBEdit: Somehow, It Still Doesn’t Suck!

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NetSuite likely uses an api.

The word Xojo near the word Netsuite is all they needed.

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for MACOS and IOS there is no real alternative to the native stuffs. I count Swift UI as that made by Apple and I count also Swift as that made by Apple. And therefore there is no Alternative. Even if it is fact that I am programming my mobile Stuff with CodenameOne I can see and realize: Swift and Xcode are the best way to do IOS Programming. Xojo has not half of it’s functionality, even not half of the functionality of the CodenameOne. So I guess it is better to stay with Swift and Xcode instead of investing time in Xojo where you need to walk around hundreds of not ready baked milestones.