The USA‘s slide into Fascism …

OK Thats funny as … bleeped for sensitive viewers

Best comment:

“we’re satanists, but we don’t believe in satan”


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I think you spend too much time reading The Guardian.

Just because people voted Tory at the last election doesn’t mean they necessarily voted for Brexit.

Actually I read German, UK, US, and NZ newspapers from both sides of the political spectrum, plus politico (the London Playbook is excellent) and the Economist. I like the Guardian as it quite often says what I think, even though sometimes (but fairly rarely) an article is distinctly coloured by personal attitudes.

Really? Pull the other one. Considering that the Tories campaigned on a Brexit platform they would have to have been blind and deaf to not know they voted for Brexit … well, or incredibly stu… naive.

Maybe you should read some other newspapers for a change? :wink:

hilarious link :joy: :joy: :joy:

Told ya:

Esp after what took place in Portland

Wow… This is really turning ugly

The more Trump tries to quell the unrest the worse it gets

If he actually does send more of these units to other Democrat run cities as he has threatened it will escalate quickly

Can easy see this getting much much much worse



All of Trumps goons will be issued “Brown Shirts” in the coming days

What is wrong with Americans??? And I don’t mean the nutcases as those can’t help themselves:

Its not all Americans. just those idiots that feel the need to spread their sh*t and feat and unrest. Personally I think Sinclair should be severly sanctoned for this, but it won’t happen, and more people will be convinced Covid is nothing to worry about…

This started way way way back
And it has been a growing cancer not just in American politics but around the world
The disinformation and belief in people of authority instead of scientific evidence
Tobacco companies speed out all kinds of secret documents about how to influence people and spread this crap
The energy industry followed that lead
Various politicians and media companies have joined in
To the point we get more authoritarian leaders like Trump, Bolsonaro, Duterte, Netanyahu in “democracies”

I have no idea how to fight this crap on a global scale but when I hear it in personal conversations I call it out - politely if I can - and point the person to something from a reputable source (instead of the garbage they use as evidence from “Joe’s Bunch of
The hard part is often this crap science is from places that seem legitimate - until you dig into them to find they are nothing more than fronts for bad science and spreading a false narrative.


What @npalardy said!

The fun bit is that Sinclair tries to cover it’s ass with comments like “we didn’t know they would spread misinformation “ - well, why DID you invite them then? It all seems rather intentional.

Bolling told CNN he did not “know of any video [Mikovits] was in prior to or after appearing on my show” and said: “Frankly, I was shocked when she made the accusation.”

The host also said he had questioned Mikovits’ claim, which onscreen he called “hefty”, and had added Dr Nicole Saphier, a Fox News contributor, to the show in order to provide balance.

“I asked our producers to add Saphier to the show for the express purpose of debunking the conspiracy theory,” Bolling said. “I believe viewers see that I did not and do not endorse [Mikovits’] theory.”

Saphier said it was “highly unlikely” Fauci made the coronavirus. But she also said it was possible the virus was made in a laboratory.

So Bolling hadn’t seen anything of Mikovits and was “shocked when she made the accusations” (not “allegations”), but invited her on his show AND added someone for “balance” without allegedly knowing what to balance?

But then he asked the producers to add Saphier with “the express purpose of debunking the conspiracy theory” - so he knew all about it and couldn’t possibly have been ‘shocked’.

And Saphier did a terrible job at debunking.

It all seems like a badly set up farce.

@MarkusWinter: thanks for making me laugh.

We survived such epidemics before. We really did. But we did it in spite of humans being so dumb.

I hope that German holiday travellers must do quarantine when coming back from Spain, too - like the English ones have to do since today.

I was pleased to read this article about how they handle people entering Canada after being in the USA


Now if only we can get more of the covidiots out here to wear masks when they are out and about