Replacement for Xojo as it relates to windows development

Yes. In neither game does the man holding the ball take any risk that he might lose it (near as I can make out, anyway). In Rugby Union, once tackled to the ground you have to let go of the ball. Faced, therefore, with impassable players you punt down the field and all run like hell hoping to collect the ball again. Makes for a much more open game.

To quote ā€œGold Fiveā€ from ā€œStar Wars - A New Hopeā€

Stay on TOPIC, Stay on TOPIC"


Just on the topic of the OPā€™s question - while i think Flutter/Dart has legs, another current ā€˜xojo-equivalentā€™ you could try is LiveCode.

I tried it a while back and found it OK but the IDE isnā€™t great for debugging; but on the other hand it did have some nice features like an data grid type control where you can define a row prototype with various other controls etc.

Language, IDE etc are based on the ancient HyperCard paradigm (System 6 era), with a HyperTalk english-like language which is weird coming from other environments, but not difficult to graspā€¦

Also said to offer Mac/Win/iOS and Android support, but donā€™t think it has Linux support (may be wrongā€¦)

many years ago, I did buy a license for live code and gave it a go (this is before they split it out for a community edition and professional version). As someone who was never familiar with Hypercard, using Livecode felt a bit awkward and the language is a bit wordy. I will say it was interesting to be working on your code and then flip a switch and its running was neat; but where I found problems was if I wanted to work with test data I would have to be conscience to clear it all out before I compiled an exe other wise that data I was working with would go into the build.

another thing that I found scary about live code is if someone give you a project, you HAVE to be very careful it the project was set to open in the run state. Anything in the code base could wreak havoc on your system without realizing it.

Agreed, itā€™s very different and requires a lot of getting used to, but could be a viable alternative - for me the biggest issue was the debuggerā€¦
Ultimately i decided to stick with XOJO, as debugging was really just painful, but itā€™s another choice, and an easy choice for Android and possibly better for iOS.

Xojo really needs to address the issues that exist in 64 bit debugging since Catalina is 64 bit only

Same here. Procedural prolix language with more limits than Xojo.

FWIW folks need to just go watch

the end of this (about 45 minutes in) the demo is on macOS running Catalina !

they have ship dates & things that suggest they are not JUST dealing with mobile

2 years ago I was tempted again to migrate to .Net

At the same time I was having problems with an abussive company not respecting the contract. Quick google for .Net decompiler, download, run, get 100% of source code, import to VS, removed nagging code, recompiled. Run :shushing_face:

Happy with the modified version of the software, but after that, I dont want to spend lot of time writing the source code knowing anyone can get it 100%.

EDIT :I dont know enough about .Net and what all is coming to know IF this will still be a concern

That certainly has been a concern in the past

Iā€™m not sure they can / could install .Net runtimes on iOS so it would seem they really do need to generate fully compiled exeā€™s
Cant imagine Apple would be happy having to put .Net exeā€™s in the store

I wonder if thereā€™s a Xamarin app in the app store that could be downloaded and examined ?

Certainly warrants more investigation

EDITED for clarity

I recently bought an app called AppStat. Before the developer vanished he told me that the app was written in F#. In the bundle there is a folder called MonoBundle and the app is called ā€œapp.exeā€. Unfortunately, the app doesnā€™t have a trial version.

.NET Core 3+ supports this, they sayā€¦ They say that the .NET framework can be rolled into the .exe to allow you to have a single .exe application (or .app on MacOS)

My concern is STILL the lack of drag/drop GUI designer. I guess It must be the hardest thing in the world to convert graphics to code because almost nobody seems to be doing it. Maybe Iā€™m the only one that doesnā€™t want to write code to create GUIs?
I hate the idea that Iā€™ll have to start typing out my GUI in code. Isnā€™t that the point of computers to make things EASIER??

(Sorry for the rant)

Correction, Iā€™m only seeing documentation for single executables on Win and Linux. Dunno about MacOS, but Iā€™m not really sure what a ā€œsingle executableā€ would even be on MacOS, as an .app always seems to contain many filesā€¦

Editā€¦ or maybe you can?

Having the same same files just compressed in a single exe for convenience is not the same as compile them to native machine code.

To create forms the same way as it was 30 years ago, sure, it is easier drag and drop, .Net Actually has a GUI, XAML Designer and for .NET core, the WinForms Designer (not completed).

But, when you are creating Responsive Layouts for many screen sizes and multiple platforms (mobile/desktop) with the same source, most of the times it is easier to type the GUI

As for the topic, the .Net 5 has a LOT of promisses.

  • FREE
  • Unification of all .NET (relevant just on windows)
  • Multiplatform to be used on Windows, Linux and MAC
  • Desktop apps
  • Mobile Apps
  • Web Apps
  • Cloud Services
  • Games
  • IoT

Maybe I will reconsider with .NET 5, (to be released in November)

.Net 5 intro:

.Net 5 supported OS:

Download preview

An app under macOS is really a folder, although the Finder hides that from you, normally. You can right-click on an app and choose ā€œShow Package Contentsā€ to see whatā€™s inside it, typically a Resources folder and an actual executable and perhaps some other bits. Itā€™s a nice way to do it, which makes Xojo debugging under macOS rather easier than Win or Lin.

.Net MAUI (Multiplatform App User Interfaces) is .Net6. And is promised to the end of 2021. In 2020 we will have just a very limited preview.

.Net5 is web server only multiplatform, and Windows only Desktop. Mobile using Xamarinā€¦ Still a mess. In .Net6 they intend to fuse Xamarin forms in a new consistent version through all platforms, enabling multiplatform Desktop. Itā€™s named MAUI.

With .Net and MAUI maybe MS is really serious about becoming THE tool vendor for everyone

It certainly is an interesting roadmap they have set

We will see a competition with Google. Google were evolving its tools towards this in a slow pace and MS seems pointing their guns to the same target year where Google intended to become the king. Not sure about the final outcome. The great thing is that both have resources to make a great fight and I like the idea of both fighting to show ā€œthe best product devs should loveā€.