.NET 6 Deep Dive

Something that is usable today is .net 5 and avalonia ui. windows, macos and linux for desktop

.Net 6 is only in a preview state
Its changing rapidly
Obviously they are focused on Windows previews at the moment

It does seem to be on their roadmap of things to do they just havent got there yet
We’ll see as things progress


Avalonia is the most stable X-Plat UI for .NET, but there are still issues; it seems that it doesn’t have a lot of support.
Things still missing (I believe - it’s been a while since I looked at it): XAML designer, Hot-Reload, many controls have not been implemented, etc.

there have been developments there, Jetbrains have now put support for avalonia into Raider, and are using it to port some of their utilites

Yes but the Avalonia Support in Rider is not a spare for a Forms-Designer. There is no visual Designer on other platforms than Windows. So everybody which is not using Windows can not use a visual Designer for Dotnet Programming. That’s Microsoft. It is not that they can not. It is a definitely want not.

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no, but people using xaml mostly do not use a designer, only. Avalonia is mainly aimed at wpf developers wanting to go multiplatform, so a designer might not even come to Avalonia

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WPF XAML has a designer, but yes, only on Windows.

Avalonia: Stable, no Hot Reload, no XAML designer, limited # of controls (all custom)
UNO: A complete mess, some Hot Reload, XAML designer on Windows, plenty of controls
Maui: A mess, some Hot Reload, NO XAML designer, most # of controls

to some extent hot reload makes a visual designer not AS required since as you alter the xaml you can see the changes live

that helps

not perfect but its better than “write code. run to see what it looks like. stop. write more code. run. stop. tweak code” and so on

I still do that with Xojo! :wink:

But I get what you really mean from ancient history… I wrote some “relatively” elaborate UI’s for VT100 terminals, and code to produce labels on a Zebra label printer running on a VAX back in the late 80’s/early 90’s IIRC.


There is an experimental Hot Reload project for Avalonia, haven’t tried it though: