This is intended to be a cumulative list of known open bugs so anyone can easily find reports that might affect them
Searching in Xojo’s Feedback is difficult if you dont use the right key word or the same keyword
Add yours
Originally I opened feedback and set my list to show open reports
I copied that list
and posted it
Someone else pointed out the list included ones marked fixed
So I went & did it again using a slightly different order of what I did in feedback and it gave me a slightly different list (why I have no idea)
So I edited and reported the list to me correct
43575 Window Min Width/Height being ignored in specific case 43704 ListBox Shift+End, Shift+Home incorrect behaviour 43705 ListBox Shift+Down Arrow, Shift+Up Arrow incorrect behaviour 46280 Tab order in IDE leads to ambiguous state 46521 ListBox focus ring with no selection stays when control does not have focus on Windows 46671 ctrl shift end issues 46694 ListBox vertical scrollbar not positioning correctly on resize 47810 Listbox.HeaderHeight returns incorrect value 47811 Listbox with no border causes focus issues 48020 The ComboBox height is incorrect 48898 Feedback Creator Name no sorting correctly 48908 listbox.change event fires repeatedly when required selection is true 49189 Slow debugging lengthy data sets in variable viewer of IDE 49390 IDE caret in code editor doesnt resize when window is moved between different dpi scaling 50232 System.DebugLog doesnt work in App during quit 50261 Copy paste problem after deleting class 50308 WM_ENTERIDLE continually sent by SaveAsDialog 50385 Xojo.Core.Date not showing AM/PM designator 50509 Caret lost when focus is moved from IDE or program and returned 50974 Compiler failed assertion at Structures.cpp:1658 51092 Autocomplete adds As in odd places 51123 Switching between Structures doesn’t refresh structure size after using toggling Show 64 bit sizes 51124 Structure alignment issues in Windows 51195 Caret artifacting in IDE 51209 Moving IDE code editor to start of line doesn’t show if start of line is behind line numbers 51223 IDE Script window doesn’t livescroll 51225 Code moves when making first alteration to an IDE Script in the IDE Script editor 51227 Closing last project also closes IDE Script and the Cancel does nothing to stop it closing 51229 Shift+Enter on a SELECT inside upper portion of IF that has an ELSE adds an END IF not an END SELECT 51331 Caret stays visible when it should be out of view 51360 Caret moves to a different column if moved to a line that has only one character 51418 Unable to scroll to end of debug variable hex view in the IDE 51419 Unable to scroll to top of debug variable hex view in the IDE when adjusting the size of the pane 51459 When selecting text with the mouse and expanding the selection with shift + cursor the new selection move from the wrong location 51471 Autocomplete on a module shows all sub modules at every level 51478 Textarea scrollbar height changes size when the control has multiple screens of text 51479 Extra line added when copy and pasting from and to a textarea 51636 Min Width and Min Height slightly off and snaps back to correct size only in 64bit 51649 Slow typing speed in IDE 51661 Odd caret behaviour when moving mouse 51690 HTML viewer disappears if it goes off the top of the view in the IDE 51704 Caret in wrong position when selecting text 51705 Text selection is removed if mouse clicked twice at the same location or again inside the selection all while holding shift 51706 Text selection isn’t restored after undo 51758 Controls in the IDE aren’t showing with the same background colour as when the project is run 51876 Checkbox and radiobutton look blurry in IDE and the font looks slightly lighter 51877 Checkbox and radiobutton text changes position and size when project is run 51919 Build failed rbappearancepak misleading error message 51964 Content nav has entries that remain after undo 52077 Canvas DoubleBuffer doesn’t seem to be working as expected 52105 Leaving a modal window open while in another instance of the IDE causes problems 52211 Invalid access to memory location when trying to use a pointer to a structure in 2018r1 64bit 52378 Unhandled NilObjectException in StructureEditPane.StructureEditPane.Event_CommitPendingChanges%%o<StructureEditPane.StructureEditPane>o 52483 When the IDE throws an error the message doesn’t show on top of other windows 52574 Graphical glitches when typing in file types in a file type set 52586 Listbox focus showing when it shouldn’t in Windows 52587 Keyboard focus remains on listbox when it shouldn’t in Windows 52824 Window resize during modal MessageDialog causes MessageDialog to resize 52977 Navigator width doesn’t live update all the time 53189 Labels flicker when you alter the size of their container control 53415 HTML Viewer breakpoints program when opening a PDF from local drive 53555 Container control with height over 16384 causes painting issues 53582 SpawnCompiler.GetTargetScratchDir got a non-existent scratch folder after creating it 53654 Add remote debugging host seems to only show one at a time 53704 Moving tabs in the IDE causes issues 53802 Changing something in one workspace causes a view change in another 53846 Inspector slow redraw if its scrollbar has been moved 53955 IDE Shift+End doesnt move the view to the end of a long line 54028 Obtaining a handle via a pictures graphic object stops future access 54030 Double clicking then dragging code doesn’t work if there are parenthesis at the end of the line 54033 Variables view column width issues 54143 Feedback zoom slider issues 54144 DoShellCommand fails if path contains non-ascii character 54155 Feedback creates lots of cefsubproc.exe that don’t close until quit 54197 Feedback Edit>Copy or CTRL+C not working 54354 Inspector scrollbar position isn’t restored 54508 Changing preference closing last window causes missing tray icon and IDE wont quit 54509 If you Cancel the Exit of Xojo while you have Keep Xojo running the tray icon vanishes 54565 Window MouseEnter MousExit fire at different locations 54903 Unhandled NilObjectException in WindowExtensions.GetScreenFromPoint%o%i8i8 55128 Autocomplete double click selected word doesn’t always work 55137 Moving controls between windows causes control duplication 55154 Changing TextArea inspector property causes graphical glitch in inspector 55240 Moving cursor over a line with a single character causes cursor position to move inwards 55241 Unable to remove Class from Navigator, Delete is greyed out 55262 A window opened from a modal window can’t be interacted with 55312 Framework failed assertion at objects.cpp:208 55341 IDE Script code block indent has large gap 55386 Changing or even just dropping down the product version changes the Visible To state of the ticket to Only me and Xojo 55398 Shift+Enter on a nested If with code reformatting causes code corruption 55584 Separate projects with the same app name fail to debug run with no user feedback 55589 Unable to run desktop project after running web project 55618 Lots of paints when updating a transparent control inside a paint 55623 Xojo.IO.FolderItem fails IsAlias check 55624 IDE menu shortcuts editor popup showing on mousedown when it should be on mouseup 55628 system.debuglog in windows not always showing useful output 55656 Compiler failed assertion at CGIA32.cpp:636 55657 Row, column or syntax help under mouse not always updating in syntax help area 55660 Feedback crashes if a unicode 000B character gets into the text 55683 IDE window editor view doesnt update scrollbars when window dimensions are altered using inspector 55727 Size of structure which refers to another structure does not update properly 55729 Undo doesn’t track changes to structures 55856 Window min height/width issue when resizing window 55857 Window can resize smaller than min size only in 64bit 55889 Framework failed assertion at runprint.cpp:180 55925 Unable to set breakpoint with keyboard shortcut during debug 56031 Unable to change property type until caret is moved 56093 Resizing window doesn’t keep up with the mouse 56126 Using navigator jump history ending up at incorrect location 56249 Unable to double click a window to add an event or jump to code after deleting a method 56381 Lots of file access for every key press in the IDE 56429 Navigator scrolls up on every click of the scrollbar 56548 Deleting a control leaves access to it via another tab 56962 Disabled TextField background color is now unusable as its always grey 57149 UX issues, no route to resolve deprecated warnings 57239 Some controls aren’t picking up their correct background color in the ide 57631 Deprecated classes in autocomplete don’t show their replacement 57642 Context menu on code showing wrong help 57699 Broken link at bottom of Arrays in built LR 57704 Hover over error bug icon not always showing error 57728 Searching for EasyUDPSocket.Error in LR shows two entries 57773 Learn more about xojo cloud doesn’t take you to a good landing spot on the site 57957 Clicking on a language reference entry at the bottom of a scrollable list jumps to wrong entry 57958 Language reference scrollbar position doesn’t reset on each search so results can’t be seen 57962 Shift+Enter doesn’t move code view if the caret ends up off the bottom of the view 58235 Framework failed assertion at MediaIOWindows.cpp:440 58264 Deleting a control while in code view leaves you in code view 58357 Button order is incorrect on Save As message box 58545 CTRL+F Find removed/missing from in-built LR? 58563 Xojo IDE doesn’t close when responding to WM_ENDSESSION if Keep Xojo running is selected 58603 Super return of nested inline if expand in incorrect order 58681 Trying to use debug UTF32 crashes the IDE 58754 In built language reference opens a page on with personal information in the URL 58770 Unhandled OutOfBoundsException in RuntimeLockUnlockObjects 59039 IDE hitting the file system on every keypress in code window 59040 IDE hitting the file system on mouse move in code window 59279 Favorite button over text in landscape view on Android 59280 Unable to scroll session info in landscape view on Android 59482 New Window.SystemUIVisible is missing 59626 URLConnection memory allocation issues when using async Send to download a file 59627 Xojo.Core.Timer.CallLater or Xojo.Core.Timer.CancelCall causes ide to drop into debugged with no code 59628 Possible URLConnection memory leak 59656 ByRef isn’t added to 32bit delegate parameters of structures in windows 59760 XojoScript stack overflow crashes app 59938 Deleting event doesnt show newly selected item 59942 WebListBox row reordering during scroll doesn’t update target 59943 WebListBox unable to select row when allow row reordering is enabled 59944 WebListBox moving a column to the same location adds a blue border 59947 Unable to tab to WebBreadcrumb 59949 Unable to tab to WebPagination 60045 WebListbox DrawReorderRows doesn’t fire if you drag into dynamic content 60248 PDFDocument fonts only encoding as ANSI 60362 Structure Alignment information different on different pages of the docs 61269 WebListBox header doesn’t extend over scrollbar 61271 WebListBox a pixel out after scrolling 61300 Some DragItem properties are incorrect in documentation 61368 messagebox doesn’t stop timer different between windows and mac 61369 ProgressBar MaximumValue is limited to 65536 under windows but not on the mac 61372 When you doubleclick the error XYZ implements the event ABC take us to the control not just the container 61383 WebTextfield.Value is sometimes missing 63421 Unhandled NilObjectException in RBSourceUnit.=SLSetSource%%oi8s 63423 Code corruption when using code reformatting, split lines and undo 63424 Issues when splitting lines when using a code reformatting script 63425 Selecting multiple items with a different value in inspector sometimes causes the entry to vanish 63426 Double click window to add events stops working after first time 63427 Text selection in TextArea is wrong color 63429 API2 Database SelectSQL raises error when it should not if an error occured with an old database method right before the API 2 method was called 63431 MoleMash hangs if the game is unable to find a space to place a mole 63464 Timer is kept alive after closing window in 32bit but not 64bit leading to NOE 63528 RadioButton’s keyboard input only works after you’ve click a RadioButton in Windows 63529 RadioButtons in groups don’t follow windows standard behaviour 63558 Canvas reverts to transparent in IDE 63634 Pasting into a controls property doesn’t always store the value 63635 Changing format property doesn’t update layout view 63636 Clicking into a control that has Format set can place the caret in the wrong position 63637 A TextField that has Text when a window is shown isn’t correctly highlighted if is has focus 63642 SearchField Tooltip doesn’t work 63644 SearchField is one pixel too short 63645 TextField Allow Focus Ring doesn’t turn off when set to False 63646 SearchField Allow Focus Ring is off by default 63649 Unfocused SearchField border color is incorrect 63651 Navigator opens context menu on mouse down 63652 Menu shortcuts contextual menu opens on mouse down 63653 Closing Options with multiple projects open causes every project to come to the top 63665 When you alter the size of a window/control in the inspector is doesn’t update the size of the layout 63696 Menu draws incorrectly when a particular menu item is selected directly in the navigator 63697 Listboxes in preferences don’t show keyboard input when you tab to them in the IDE 63698 Unable to use the keyboard to navigate IDE Options window 63720 Window.Activate fires even though the window doesnt have focus in Windows 63721 Format output errors with certain formatting 63751 ComboBox doesn’t fire Change event even though the selection has changed 63810 Debugging a structure containing WString causes crash 63871 Code selection in gutter is not always as indicated 63872 Show/Hide Toolbar causes all open windows to come to the front twice 63874 Navigator drag and drop onto same location places item at end of navigator 63974 Able to resize control when locked 64021 Moving the debug tab to the left side and closing it causes the IDE to enter a crashable state 64036 Switching views in IDE causes memory usage to increase, possible memory leak 64111 Line changes position when in a DrawInto 64112 Multiple issues with controls not working correctly with DrawInto 64169 Unable to assign a variable when using Global 64184 Adding an event with another navigator entry selected sometimes causes both views to expand 64185 Selecting a category in Choose a Project can show no selection 64186 Causing a navigator update changes the selection and title of unrelated open tabs 64187 Undo leaves tab showing old entry 64188 Artifacts while scrolling inspector at fractional scaling 64189 Unhandled NilObjectException in DocumentHelpers.$DecodeLocation%s%os 64190 Selecting an event with the keyboard then shift clicking to add a few events causes an error in the selection 64198 Show Dark/Light Mode in incorrect state with tabs 64200 Changing Library from large to small icons when scrolled to the bottom causes issues on Windows 64231 Search Field Opening / Closed events have no description 64232 Search Field IDE UI and document/code names don’t match up on some properties 64233 SearchField.Hint missing from docs 64236 Open file filter All Files not working 64246 Code entry slows for every workspace you have open showing a window 64247 Resized controls across multiple workspaces don’t redraw 64260 Autocomplete doesn’t work correct for Screen.ScreenAt and Screen.ScreenCount 64270 Conflicting shortcut alert isn’t shown until you look for it 64280 Problems with line control 64293 Help Icon/Language Reference menu takes you to a blank page on Mac 64294 When the LR opens the Filter is blank even though the list is being filtered 64296 Some menu entries are missing their icons 64298 Restart button is clickable during upgrade download on Mac, closes IDE 65106 Large control values cause large performance hit on the IDE 65295 WString and CString don’t change size in the IDE when changing architecture 65326 Escape key doesn’t clear navigation filter in IDE 65327 Moving binary enumeration out of a module causes a syntax error when project is run 65328 Continuous mouse movement stops the cursor from changing or registering its location around the code view 65330 Block comment can move/remove breakpoints and bookmarks 65333 Selected controls are drawn twice in the IDE when in a page panel or tab panel 65335 Flipped and mirrored control can’t be moved with the mouse after it goes outside its container 65336 Unhandled NilObjectException in Document.Undo%%o 65337 Attributes don’t update on undo/redo 65338 Compatibility flags don’t update on undo/redo 65341 Code view doesn’t fully redraw after changing new line number in gutter checkbox 65353 WebListBox dynamic data not always shown after scrolling 65362 Unable to add Desktop Color Group if it is deleted 65363 Single and Named are selected when adding Default to Color Group then Named vanishes 65365 Color Group Web is missing from IDE 65366 Unable to click autocomplete entry on Go To Location 65376 Copy a ColorGroup from Web to Desktop and you can no longer add Desktop 65377 Creating a ColorGroup doesn’t add Default but add’s the platform specific name 65378 New ColorGroup on Web project shows an arrow 65379 ColorGroup dropshadow error in IDE 65381 Feedback file selection highlight makes text almost impossible to read 65387 Reformat code script still runs even after it has been deleted 65412 Multiple selected controls with differing lock status confuses IDE 65415 failed to find the right method group row 65416 Drag select fails if you have a locked control selected 65417 Default keybinding for Delete has changed to CTRL+Del in Windows and isn’t checked in most places 65419 Unhandled NilObjectException in ControlSetPropertyEditor.ControlSetPropertyEditor.Event_CommitPendingChanges%%o<ControlSetPropertyEditor.ControlSetPropertyEditor>o 65424 IDE save changes on close window isn’t modal causing problems 65425 IDE save changes windows buttons focus change with application focus 65536 Undo then Redo after inserting a Window breaks the Window 65540 Inbuilt language reference no longer opens with focus in the search field 65552 Module not shown in autocomplete when it contains a usable enumeration 65610 Super return on inline if adds extra space 65678 App unexpectedly exits in 32bit but not 64bit 65691 Layout vanishes from tab, unable to view window layout in that tab using navigator 65692 Last line in property comment doesn’t have a line number 65702 Window.ConstructContextualMenu example doesn’t work 65727 GotoURL documentation error 66178 TextEdit.CharacterPosition is wrong in Windows 66208 Shell.Execute breaks when using quoted strings 66210 FolderItem.ShellPath fails to return short path if the filesystem doesn’t support short path but the file actually exists 66322 Feedback crashes when limiting by status after changing column sort order 66323 Using the app menu key while editing code allows all sorts of problems 66324 Renaming a control set causes issues in the navigator 66368 A method with the same name as a Delegate causes the name to vanish in the navigator 66388 Desktop and Web graphics are working off a different coordinate system
Bugs are bugs, please don’t derail this thread with excuses. We know you love Xojo and that’s great. Please don’t derail anything criticizing Xojo, this isn’t the official forum.
no the “end user” [the person using the APP created with Xojo] doesn’t care… they don’t care about Xojo bugs, be they IDE or otherwise… to them a bug is in the APP they are running, and THAT is the pervue of the developer.
Who DOES care about Xojo bugs… ALL bugs including the IDE is the developer, as it is he/she that has to expend extra time and effort to compensate for things that should NOT be issues
Mostly…43% (117) aren’t IDE bugs or to put it another way, 57% are bugs in the product people interact with every day and 43% are there to mess with your product.
Totally agree Beatrix, there’s a lot of stale cases which doesn’t help things. If you click the Status: Reviewed at the top you can ask for the case to be closed, I think this shows up more obviously for Robin (and others) to see.
i checked this one yestarday, because i was not sure i undestand it properly, but I did.
you even posted a video, you like posting bugs !
honestly, this is far it can gets to the definition of bugs, maybe not even a quircks. plus i’ve seen this behaviour elsewhere, maybe even in my apps (a rounding problem?) whatever
maybe you expect too much from a company like xojo inc.
xojo inc will NEVER have PERFECT native ide behavior because xojo inc is not Apple or Microsoft.
and on windows side what are the concurrent of xojo ? is delphi or else still alive ? except B4
a) Delphi has more customers than Xojo and makes a turnaround of more than 27 Million Dollar. That is much more than Xojo,inc has. So I guess that discussion is ended at that point
b) a programming language which has big errors in math is not usable at all. One thing a language and a compiler has to be able to do is math
c) B4J, Java, C++ are all still alive and quite bigger
No one expects perfect
They do expect that reported reproducible bugs, ones that should be the easiest to identify because the situation CAN be reproduced, ARE fixed
Thats not happening very quickly
Instead we get renamed desktop controls, renamed events and properties breaking years of code