I don’t have anything against Ukraine or Ukrainians. I just think, it’s stupid to judge all Russians to be evil and bad people.
Interestingly there have been far more civilian casualties inside Palestinian region in much shorter time frame than in Ukraine but no one gives a shit.
There seem to be western double standards.
People are stupid. Here in Finland people boicotted against Teboil, even though it was not in any official boicot list. I don’t see how it helps Ukraine to drive Finnish entrepreneurs to bankruptcy. The same people happily refueled their cars at Neste even thought it buys what it sells from the same source.
Hold on right there
I know I said I didnt trust software coming out of Russia
I DID NOT say I do not trust all Russians
Those two statements are not equivalent
I’ll cut you some slack becuase I suspect that English is not your first language
I dont trust that any software coming from Russians sources hasn’t been poisoned or otherwise made to be spyware by some means
That sort of action by the Russian government would NOT surprise me
I have the same misgivings about anything from China & North Korea and Iran and many other states
Their governments have in the past shown they have NO qualms about forcing that sort of thing to happen and actively try to infiltrate western systems however they can
The entrepreneurs running Teboil stations in Finland are Finnish people paying taxes to Finland, the most of them have rented the property and all have families to feed. Running those people and their families bankcrupt helps nothing.
Winter war ended 84 years ago, do you really think it’s worth living with hate from the past? My grandmother was from Karjalankannas and had to leave from her home, so yes I am familiar with the Winter war. Still, I never heard any hate talk from her towards Russians. I only remember her longing back home.
Some people want to show how bad US money is used in ukraine while people still living anbuying cars and they say: it is all from our money. Small hint for US fanatics: if ukraine falls the baltic states will follow immediately. That makes Nato Case possible. But hey, Trump will saya we will not help. He will let Europe fall. Good. Will make his world much smaller in his fight against china. That one he lost in the moment ukraine losses. People which are not getting how a global world is working will never get that things are working like that.
It is not that gloom. Even if Donald want the American Bureaucrats will not let that happen. US will never let Europe out of its clutches.
Politicians love to control!!
Believe it or not it is almost impossible to fight against China coz it has become irreplaceable.
Look at the control China commands over rare metal mines around the world and you will understand.
Even US is facing the problem of Chinese police stations on their soil just like almost all European countries and can do nothing about it. This shows Chine does have its way to working ignoring all others.
Not interested in making anyone accept what I say. I am just showing hard facts.
Thats absolutely not what you did, and you are absolutely lying about it now. With this context, your responses to thorstenstueker are meaningless. You’re trying to stir up shit and manipulate, and are being surprisingly transparent about it.
If the USA pulls out of Nato Europe itself is at serious risk
Indeed this HAS been largely true and why some companies are moving production to other places like Vietnam, Bangladesh & India
Apple is a good example of that
But, like they did in China, it takes a lot of time to establish the supply chains, the educated work force, and the infrastructure to produce their goods
All these things were done by major US corporations off shoring jobs & production to low cost areas (Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong, now China) I’ve watched this occur during my life time. Labels used to say “Made in Japan”, then “Made in Hong Kong”, "Made In Mexico and now they mostly say “Made in China”
And it will happen again as China becomes too expensive (seriously this IS happening) and as trade wars
They CAN do something about it
And we need to push our governments TO do something about it
Canada has been dealing with these as well
True but moving to these countries cannot replace China in for things, esp. micro gadgets, devices, sub-assemblies, etc.
Even Apple has to source the Camera sub-assembly & sensors from China because Vietnam or India does not have that proves.
China has toiled for 30 long years to reach at this stage.
Besides this the price factor is also important.
From what I know US has developed a policy called Strategic Partnership so that they can get rid of all those industries that are pollution pron from their soil and pay another country to pollute their environment and pamper their egos to make them take false pride of made in their country and used by the Americans!
It seems they started executing this polity in a big way after WW2 to help Japan decimated/devastated because of the nuclear bomb that US tested on Japan.
US keeps shifting Strategic Partnership deals from one country to another for various reasons. But China is going to be tough nut to crack and move away from completely.
I doubt because China will keep changing the form and mode of operations of such police stations. It will become more stealth in it operations and execution to become virtually undetected.