2021r3 Announced?

To me, the question is: is it complete enough for me?
If an app did everything that AlwaysBusy lists, it would be an AMAZING app! :slight_smile:

And people would still want to get it for free… :wink:


Still not available as of 2021-11-17, 11H00 (the morning).

The wait is unbearable …

Allow me to sigh too. Especially professional programmers who write custom made enterprise apps are going to need a lot of those features very quickly or they will never be able to make what their clients want.

As you pointed out yourself, it took almost half a decade to get those features in iOS. Given Xojo’s reputation of releasing buggy software, it will take at least a couple of releases before it will even become stable enough for production.

I get it for a lot of you stand-alone apps in the Play Store will be your target, but do not forget there is a big market of specialized enterprise apps that are not in the Play Store with very big revenues. Android apps differ in that from iOS apps that a lot of money is made in this market. And those do often require many of those items from my list in one app. Even for a Store app idea, it is very frustrating if some parts of it just can not be done and you have to release a downgraded app.

But for enterprise apps, saying to the client it can not be done because the development platform does not support it (although it exist for years in the Android platform), is definitely a big no-no! It is quite obvious Xojo is not even targeting that market…

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Doh, I forgot: Announced <> Available !!! :cold_sweat:

I can’t understand the hype. Xojko will release Android unfunctional like their IOS, Web, Desktop, Command Line, Mysql and so on.

B4I, B4A, B4J could do the development under Android, IOS, Desktop, Command Line. Or Gluon Mobile, Desktop for also all platforms (what I use with Github Actions for building and compiling for all platforms including embedded). Using Xojo is dangerous at all.

My answer was irony @thorstenstueker

I thought so. It is ironically so that I can write with ONE Codebase and even ONE Design for IOS and Android AND Desktop and WEB with Gluon Mobile and JPro. So I start not to understand where is the goody on that Xojo Android if I have to rewrite the entire application before starting

The goody is nowhere to be found :slight_smile:

Maybe Geoff decided to not do it since he couldn’t do it right?

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Possibly. I mean: when the Java GUYS are getting it to run why he is not getting it to run. And not one Java Guy, B4J/I/A and Gluon Mobile and MultiOS Engine are all Java based - ah I forgot also CodenameOne from Shy Almog sorry, shay - they all can do anything with IOS and Android devices. So the problem is - like all time - to present full baked products there has to be the needed Manpower. And that isn’t there. The PoXpro (plain old Xojo Problem). There is no Android full fledged running that I can see from my position here.

The problem is that this isn’t Xojo’s target audience.

Only because shipping Quality code doesn’t seem possible.

When you ship crap, of course Pros will leave.

Has nothing to do with shipping crap: it has to do with shipping marketing friendly Software which is targeting the new Citizens which have no Idea about Xojo and it’s problems. In my eyes there is no excuse for this.

‘feature complete’ must be, it can do the same than current iOS Apps.

But yes, ‘feature complete’ is mostly marketing.

Not enought to cover the apps I have. Luckly B4A has almost everything (and as a plus, now its free)

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Xojo has said “it’s just marketing” when confronted with blatant non truth.

As in time to leave (time to exit ?)

Or typo ?
either way its funny

Pick your flavour :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


