Xojo must still love me

don’t want to activate auto-renewal… as it would then spend $299 for something I don’t want :slight_smile:

Right but if it had been ON and they locked you out ?

My tax company kicked me out because they lost some tax persons and I’m only small fish. What did they not do? Remove me from their email lists. I told them 2 times to remove me. So things like answering to emails isn’t their thing. The third time I called “oh, I hadn’t known that”. Sigh…

GDPR Law is designed to stop companies holding your personal information if you request that they remove it. Request to be removed under GDPR law for anyone sending you emails you do not want. It’s an euro law, however I believe the states now support it.

There is a xojo gdpr tool , www.totalsecurityintelligence.com