Has anyone else noticed that the Documentation and IDE do not match for this function?

The docs say

MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)

however the IDE enters this in the code

MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Boolean

this seems to be on only a few controls

  • BevelButton
  • CheckBox
  • Combobox
  • PopupMenu
  • RadioButton

But the docs NEVER mention anything about this

For me, the IDE correctly puts the signature without returning anything (just tried now with a check box and a popup menu).

Just tried a popupMenu using Xojo 2024r3.1 on a Mac. The IDE did not show a return boolean for me.

It does behave the way Dave describes in 2019r1.1. The built in documentation does not show a return value or mention what it does. When opened in 2022r2, the return value still exists on the events.

Here is a project created in 2019r1.1 that shows the return value:

It behaves that way in 2024 as well, I tested it before I posted

Tested for Dave:


seems this is a difference between Checkbox and DesktopCheckbox , etc.

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Yes, the documentation is wrong. They missed the boolean but copied everything else from the deprecated code.

You can see that DesktopRadioButton MouseDown has boolean but MouseUp is missing the boolean.

Do you want to file a bug report for them to fix the documentation? :wink:

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If you even cannot trust documentation, how on earth you can trust in the language? Just checked the online documentation, they even do not meet basic requirements for any documentation; a f*ing timestamp when it was written!

But we now know, errors are quite normal for citizen developers. They will find a way around these obstacles.

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If you can not trust the documentation it is a not usable tool, that’s it. The reason to run away.

Real developers dont need docs :stuck_out_tongue:

going to go duck & hide now :stuck_out_tongue:

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You’ll need fireproof underwear. Definitely. :fire: :fire:

as for filing a report, how does HELL NO sound :slight_smile:
I don’t really care to help Xojo out of a hole of their own making

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