Xojo future?

I heard that from my French landlord… (after I told him about some broken thing)… I stopped talking to him.

It is also a typical stance of corporate IT support staff who can’t be bothered.

Syntax error !

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You would love Swift then. ! this, ! that… Like seriously… So many ! everywhere!

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yes, Swift can sometimes have an abundance of ! as well as ?


I paid for support , pretty much every question I asked them for years, ended up with go check the forums or they didn’t know. I don’t understand they wrote the language but no one seems to be able to answer anything except basic questions.


They simply do not have time (understaffed)…

If they have 500k users and license are 400£+ you would think they had the resources , or do you think they are fibbing about their customer base ?

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Quick register notxojo.com

Fibbing? no, out right lieing? yes

Xojo is located in Austin, Texas. This organization primarily operates in the Application Computer Software business / industry within the Business Services sector. This organization has been operating for approximately 28 years. Xojo is estimated to generate $1.7 million in annual revenues, and employs approximately 8 people at this single location.
Find information here: https://www.buzzfile.com/business/Xojo,-Inc.-512-328-7325#google_vignette

There are 87 Companies located at 12600 Hill Country Blvd, Austin, TX 78738

Living in a box?

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$1.7 million in 2024 dollars would be approximately $743,030 in 1996 dollars. Xojo is shrinking.

I have heard from multiple sources that Xojo’s customer base is continuing to decline. I thought it was mainly API 2.0 (because that’s what really pissed me off), but I now believe that API 2.0 was an idea to resurrect already flagging sales.

Kinda like where you reach that point where you don’t know what to do to stop something from happening, so in a panic you do something which seems like a good idea at the time. Albeit because you’re not thinking clearly and are in desperation, it turns out to actually cause more harm.

4 Months into learning Swift + SwiftUI and while somethings continue to kick my arse, the only thing I miss from Xojo is the convenient remote debugging. There is remote debugging in Xcode, but it’s procedure is no where near as elegant. With that said, I honestly cannot see myself going back to Xojo, I’d be giving up a lot of things that I’ve advocating Xojo to take care of over the last decade or more.

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Well, they say 450k, and maybe is true BUT, 450k users is not the same as 450k users with active licenses. I still use xojo and my last PRO license is from 2018, last desktop one, 2019.

API 2.0, WEB 2.0 :face_vomiting: Not enough bug fixes, New features halfbacked… Im still waiting for a release worth the money.


That’s what pushed me away. A big f u.

But omg Php rocks.


That does not bode well for the future of the company , language etc…
As someone who is not in a position to realistically be able to move to something else, that is scary.

  • Karen

I’m a year+ in Go and have similar findings. There are some things that require too much research that take hours versus the ‘5 minutes in Xojo’. But I find Go to be very powerful. Debugging, that I thought was way too convoluted at first, has gotten easier with time but it’s still not as easy as Xojo. And they have no remote debugging that I’m aware of. Built-in unit testing is freaking awesome.

As far as UI goes I’m still playing with Wails (version 2.5) and using Svelte as the front end. I’m not devoting nearly enough cycles to it but I feel that it’s good enough for many uses. V3 is in alpha and promises to be easier to use but I’ve not spent a lot of time with it yet. The main developer behind it knows Xojo so that’s a bonus (IMO).

We are currently converting Xojo to Go and it will take a while. It would take an act of God for me to go back to Xojo full-time.


The plus side is that it’s not going away in the near term and most likely it will still be around for many years. But a shrinking (or even static) user base is not a good sign.

I look at other languages life C#, Swift, Go, Rust, php, Python, Java they are HUGE in comparison to Xojo. They have major companies funding active development with dozens, if not hundreds, of developers working on it in addition to thousands of contributors. I just don’t see how Xojo competes against them.


the $ numbers reported are guesstimates at best