Would be nice if someone pointed Armando Sorbi here

  1. IF you get an exception you do NOT roll back the transaction so it remains open
  2. ok is NEVER set to false so even if there IS an error to rollback you wont

something like this should work better and NOT leave an open transaction in the case of an error)

Dim bql As String
Dim i as Integer
Dim sql As String

//••••••••••••••••••••• Funzione di salvataggio dati nel DB SQLite esterno •••••••••••••••••••••

bql = "INSERT INTO Contr_Fatti (nome, junior, contratto, data) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?);"


var ok as boolean = true

sql  = "DELETE FROM Contr_Fatti"      // Comando Sql per eliminare tutte le righe salvate nel database Sql

If Contratti_Fatti.ListContrFatt.RowCount > 0 then
    DB.ExecuteSQL(sql) //Esegue il comando DELETE
  Catch err As DatabaseException
    MessageDialog.Show("Error deleting the file from the database: " + err.Message)
    OK = false
  End Try
  if ok = true then
      for i = 0 to Contratti_Fatti.ListContrFatt.LastRowIndex
        DB.ExecuteSQL( bql, Contratti_Fatti.ListContrFatt.CellTextAt(i, 0),  Contratti_Fatti.ListContrFatt.CellTextAt(i, 1), Contratti_Fatti.ListContrFatt.CellTextAt(i, 2),_
        Contratti_Fatti.ListContrFatt.CellTextAt(i, 3))
    Catch err As DatabaseException
      MessageDialog.Show("Error deleting the file from the database: " + err.Message)
      ok = false
    End Try

    DB.ExecuteSQL(sql) //Esegue il comando DELETE
  Catch err As DatabaseException
      MessageDialog.Show("Error deleting the file from the database: " + err.Message)
      ok = false
    End Try
end if

if ok then
  DB.commit //solo ora salvi tutto
end if

I’ve sent him a PM…