What is your favorite tool for building/maintaining web sites

Bootstrap studio.
It’s the only one I’ve used so far that doesn’t screw up the code like frontpage did.


Bootstrap Studio as well. I also use carrd.co for building websites for presentations.

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Claris Home Page :wink:
more seriously, did you try everweb ?

Everweb still sticks inline CSS and !important everywhere. :frowning:

At least it’s free, but it’s 2024, and that kind of stuff was terrible 2 decades ago.

everweb is not free…

thats worse :rofl:

It has a limited free use, but yea, i wouldn’t pay $90 for this. Maybe $30. Maybe use something else.

RapidWeaver works well for my website and I’m excited about the new Custom Elements. I can see being able to create PHP Web Apps using it…

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Everweb is written with Xojo. The developer came out to Taiwan and we hung out for a while. Made him eat stinky tofu :smiley:

RapidWeaver is made by an ex-Xojo developer. Many years ago, he and I shared pizza and discussed the iPad (before Apple shipped the iPad, or even announced the iPhone).

The Mac dev community is small.