The New Xojo 2024 is now FREE

I tried the new version it’s not bad. In fact it works very well.
I’m not going to judge the commercial packages, I think they calculate them based on the sales response.

When the Mobile part becomes a single development for Android and iOS then it will be fantastic.

The Desktop part satisfied me very much.

I just renewed my desktop license two weeks ago. The only thing I needed over the Lite versions was version control. I could have waited a couple of weeks, bought the Mac and Windows lite versions, and saved $150. Oh well. (I guess I got cross-compilation for Windows from my Mac. That might be worth the extra money.)

Dont forget the 90 day refund policy if you wanted to downgrade


It has many good improvements BUT…

The designer in 2024r1 is way more laggy than the 2019 :pensive:

ugh … JUST linux so far or everywhere ???

Ups, forgot the OS, I only use it on Windows

Linux is not usable at all. Most of my projects I tried to load where not even loading but crashing on Linux. It was not possible to get them stable loading. not with 2019R32 and not with 2024. It is a nightmare for Linux users. That’s why I am asking myself why people buying Xojo for Developing for Linux. There are muich better alternatives which are running much more reliable, stable and performant. I can not even understand why whty made it for free. Cause when and if a Linux user uses it for Linux he will end up in a crashing and laggy Xojo IDE and he will for sure not compile bigger projects. Projects which build unter MacOS and Windows without any problem are not building at all under Linux.
For sure, Xojo has killed the Linux chances with not taking real care of the Linux IDE and the Linux runtimes they have generated. It is a dead end if somebody would ask me. And especially if you develop for Desktop and Web: there are better alternatives for Linux users for sure.

I dont think many do which is one reason Xojo can give that away for free & probably not suffer any real hit to their bottom line

Xojo gets praise for making it free and the handful that did pay for it go YAY
Maybe a few more use it there
But in reality I suspect its more a PR move than anything

Well … the IDE did / does and it’s on linux as well
Was it perfect ? hell no and it always needed more work than any other OS because whatever you tweak for Ubuntu wouldn’t work right for Centos or some other linux
And because so few paid for it there wasnt the financial incentive TO do much about it

very true

Well, the spinner and the date chooser do work on Gambas (Not on xojo).
It is also Basic and the IDE is really FAST.

It has autocomplete from this century

Gambas really is what I want from an alternative… Except is Linux only :frowning:

Maybe for some specific proyects where I can have control over the hardware and software an WSL can be an alternative :thinking:

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made with Netbeans UI Designer, 3 minutes to compile it, runs on every platform where Java will run. For that you need no Xojo. You can package also for platforms then there is even no install of Java needed. Or you can compile native with Liberica Native Image Kit. Then there is no Java at all needed for install.

And by the way: Gambas is really nice cause it has it’s own virtual machine for this. Real good technology. Sad there is no Windows and no Mac implementation.

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I’m not so sure that they will, and even if they do unite Android and iOS, it’s going to piss off the people that have built iOS apps or Android apps as they’ll eventually have to re-write to get bug fixes.

It boggles the mind as to why, when everyone else is uniting UI coding across devices that Xojo went in the opposite direction.

With SwiftUI and Flutter, the same UI code can target Desktop, Mobile, Watch, TV & VR headsets.

I don’t believe that Xojo have the vision or the resources to change this, and even if they did, they’re a long way behind the competition that I honestly don’t see them being able to capture users from mainstream languages.


Mostly have to re-write to get no bugfixes and new Bugs. As far as I had to learn with Xojo every news like Web 2 and API 2 brought no fixes of the old problems but new probelms and rewrites of tons of code. So it is a business model for programmers selling their work per hour. I guess that wasn’t their target but it is the result. Many customers taking care that they get their stuff re-written but not with Xojo. I have a few of this kind of customers getting their stuffs rewritten with Java. Many stuffs like mobile apps getting re-written with Kotlin as multiplatform apps so they have one sourcecode and multiple targets including web, android, ios, Windows, Linux, macOS and the web.

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Number 8 in their Roadmap at this time.

As you know the Roadmap isnt a timeline though
It could be a long time before we see that like Android which was on the top of the list for 7 or so years before it arrived

The “roadmap” seems more like a wish list than a roadmap


as in “we WISH we were able to do that, but probably never have the proper resources to do so”

Seams exactly like that. No ability to get that project done. But a real big mouth that it will be done soon. Or maybe never. In case of "Yes, Web 2.0 will be able to convert Web 1.0 projects it is so that I have to say: nay, it was not. For sure not. And it will never be. Killed all projects and that’s it.

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You should see that they completely ignored my warnings and feedback on Popovers, leading to the Listbox not working correctly in a Popover.

If only someone kind enough and knowledgeable would have been good enough to provide warning, say 4 years ago or more, that their location system is screwed up on a Popover. Which once again makes a new feature (that was requested 11 years ago) useless in certain circumstances.

In the last 10 years, pretty much every feature that could have been useful has been fouled by a complete and utter lack of care, then they just leave it to rot on the vine. If you complain about it, you become a troll.

Considering it took 'em 11 years to add Popovers (without proper testing), I wouldn’t expect them to do it anytime this decade.

Meanwhile, you can already use many Xojo alternatives to make Android & iOS apps from a single project and single code base.

Heck, while I currently have no plans, I love the concept that I can simply build my Mac app for Android, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS and visionOS. The UI will be auto adapted to match each platform that I’m forgetting.


its been a long time since i posted and will be again i suspect.
moved along to Java, no looking back.
this topic did make me remember just how useless holding on to 2019r11 had been before the rather simple jump to Java, i dont know why i had not made the jump before.

why the post? sadly i suddenly thought that even a free version of xojo, any platform at all, is actually too high a cost.
i remember a post some time back that posed the question regarding what might tempt someone back into the fold.
i now know that not even giving it to me free is a low enough price to make me more than raise an eyebrow to the past when xojo had anything tempting in a dream of what is easy to actually make in Java.
public static void RIP(nullObject xojo);


This is runs a pharaonic timescale. While the idea and intention are laudable, Xojo totally lacks the necessary resources.


What disturbs me with Xojo is the misleading ‘version control ready’ marketing. It is a rather pompous term for saving source code in text or xml format. Technically, this is not a version control feature by itself. Including text and xml file formats in the light version only fixes a marketing decision that backfired on the product. Upselling by mutilating the low-end product doesn’t work.

Unfortunately the IDE doesn’t even know or show to the developer on which branch it is currently working. We are in 2024…

Evidence here: