Below is sample Swift code that was automatically generated by reading an Xojo project file
Right now is seems to handle all the UI controls (except for listbox ) and does about an 80% accurate job of translated Xojo/Basic to Swift
The project that made this example has a single pushbutton, and a control array of two others
while all events can be tacked on I only used KEYDOWN as an example … All controls will have an OPEN with the option of also executing user supplied code.
import Cocoa
import Foundation
import DSFramework //<----- THIS HOLDS "the magic"
//│ Create Window 'Window1' │
var Window1 = Window1_class(type: .document)
class Window1_class : uxWINDOW {
//│ Window Control Objects │
private var pb : [sub_pb] = []
private var PushButton1 = sub_PushButton1()
//│ Window Initialzation │
override func open() {
self.title = "Untitled"
self.height = 400
self.width = 600
//│ Create an Instance of each Control │
PushButton1 = sub_PushButton1(frame:NSRect(x:236.0,y:12.0,width:80,height:20))
//│ Insert each control in proper zOrder │
// User Supplied WINDOW OPEN code
var i : Int = 0
for i in(1...10) {
var z : Int = i
// this is canvas activate
} // next i
} // end Open Event
//│ Create a Subclass of each Control │
fileprivate class sub_pb : uxPUSHBUTTON {
static var z$INDEX : Int = 0
private var _INDEX : Int = 0
@MainActor required init?(coder: NSCoder) {fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")}
override init(frame:CGRect) {
_INDEX = sub_pb.z$INDEX
sub_pb..z$INDEX += 1
super.init(frame: frame)
public var index : Int { get { return _INDEX } }
public override func open() {
switch index {
case 0 :
caption = "pb1"
case 1 :
caption = "pb2"
default : break
} // end of OPEN EVENT
public override func keyDown(_ key : String)-> Bool {
switch index {
case 0 :
var x : Int = 3
x = x / 2
case 1 :
var y : Int = 9
y = y / 4
default : break } // end select
} // end of control
fileprivate class sub_PushButton1 : uxPUSHBUTTON {
public override func open() {
caption = "Cancel"
} // end of OPEN EVENT
public override func keyDown(_ key : String)-> Bool {
} // end of control
This app and the companion framework were designed to make “most” GUI tasks much easier, as all the properties and events as well as error handling and initialization are all encompassed.
Not only does it contain all the Xojo related controls (except Listbox for now), but it has File handling, SQLite, as well as String and Math functions all using more familiar syntax
DISCLAIMER : Xojo does not condone nor endorse this project or the underlying concepts and methods. This project is written in 100% Apple Swift™ and no reverse engineering of any other software was included. How the user creates the properly formatted XML file to provide as input to this app is at the sole discretion of said user.
recently modified code to not have OPEN as the default event, but rather a CONSTRUCTOR event instead, this allows the user supplied OPEN code (if any) to be treated like any other user activated event.
by default evey Swit object already had an INIT event
This is used to define the basic subclass instance, but is unaware of any property changes the user desires… it then calls a CONSTRUCTOR event , which is defined in an NSRESPONDER extenstion as
open func constructor() { open() }
The constructor event is MANDATORY, but is created by the translator, not by the user
this can then be overriden by the user for each subclass instance to define the specific properties of that object (color, font , etc), the OPEN event is optional and is created by the user
So the chain of events is
INIT // defined by SWIFT : define instance of SUBCLASS
CONSTRUCTOR // defined by NSRESPONDER : define properties of Subclass
OPEN // optional and defined by user : define any specific open CODE by the user
property instances are defined in the subclass… the Constructor just sets values if the differ from the default values
class sub_PushButton1 : uxPUSHBUTTON {
public override func constructor() {
caption = "Cancel"
setLockBottom = false
setLockLeft = true
setLockRight = false
setLockTop = true
isTransparent = false
uxPUSHBUTTON is the subclass define inside the imported framework, this constructor override sets the values of properties … the super.constructor calls any OPEN event
The INIT is private and inside the framework, and is not exposed directly to the user
name isn’t too important, since the user doesn’t ever create/write or interact with it. it does appear in the emitted project code, but only as a result of the properties that user defined for that object
and ‘Initialize’ (to me at least) causes confusion with INIT which is predefined by SWIFT itself
I just find constructor misleading for the same reasons
Esp since it ISNT constructing (certainly not in the C++ sense)
Its fully constructed by then (like Xojo) and all you’re doing is setting properties that already exist to starting value
sorry… CONSTRUCTOR sets properties defined in the IDE (right side panel in Xojo)
OPEN runs what ever user code was define in the OPEN event handler (which could include setting other properties)
Very interesting and useful.
Be good to see the Xojo code and then the swift version.
would chatGPT be helpful in completing the remanning areas that need work? I know it can convert some Xojo code to swift, not sure how good it is.
Thanks, but I’m not about to tie an AI into my Swift project… what I have now is about 80% accurate in translating Xojo code to Swift, Right now it makes a best “guess” then Xcode tells it what is wrong and it recursively fixes things. Biggest problem is with optionals, since Xojo has no such thing
import Cocoa
import Foundation
import DSFramework
var Window1 = Window1_class(type: .document) // THIS calls INIT for windo
class Window1_class : uxWINDOW {
private var PushButton1 = sub_PushButton1()
override func constructor() { // THIS SETS INITIAL PROPERTIES FOR WINDOW
self.title = "Untitled"
self.height = 400
self.width = 600
// add a control to the window
PushButton1 = sub_PushButton1(frame:NSRect(x:236.0,y:12.0,width:80,height:20))
override func open () { // THIS IS USER SUPPLIED OPEN EVENT CODE (optional)
for i in(1...10) { //[For i = 1 To 10]
var z : Int = i //[Dim z As Integer=i]
} // next i
class sub_PushButton1 : uxPUSHBUTTON {
public override func constructor() {
caption = "Cancel"
public override func keyDown ( Key : String ) -> Bool {
if Key == "aBc" { return false } //[if key="aBc" then return false]
return true
} // end of control