One of the shortcomings of Swift is the use of multi-dimensional arrays.
This can be done with Arrays of Arrays but you end up with a complex syntax
let x=a[x][y]
Here is a simple class the makes it more readable, and more like what one would expect
class Array2D<T> {
let columns : Int
let rows : Int
var array : Array<T?>
init(columns: Int, rows: Int,hasDefaultValue :T? = nil) {
self.columns = columns
self.rows = rows
array = Array<T?>(repeating: hasDefaultValue, count: rows*columns)
subscript(column: Int, row: Int) -> T? {
get { return array[row*columns + column] }
set { array[row*columns + column] = newValue }
to declare a array it would be something like this
var anArray = Array2D<Int>(columns:3,rows:3,hasDefaultValue:9)
let x = anArray[2,2]
this creates a 3x3 array of Integers, with all values set to 9
behind the scenes it is in reality a 1 dimensional array
by using generics, the array can be of any datatype specified
Here is a simple class to use the PAIR datatype from Xojo … it uses GENERICS, something Swift has, but Xojo currently does not
Since the ‘:’ is a reserved symbol in Swift, the Swift Pair uses ‘<->’ instead
infix operator <-> : TernaryPrecedence
func <-><L:Any,R:Any>(lhs: L ,rhs: R) -> pair<L,R> { return pair(left: lhs,right: rhs)}
class pair<L,R> {
typealias Element = (L,R)
private var value : Element?
init(left:L,right:R) { value=(left,right) }
public var left : L { get { return value!.0 } }
public var right : R { get { return value!.1 } }
func xyzz() {
let p = pair(left: "A",right: 3)
let p2 = 14.2 <-> "ABC"
generics are not chameleon types like Xojo’s variant
they are more like templates that you have to fully specify to use
many times they are a data type that has well defined operations on it but the actual data contained isnt important as long as it adheres to some API
For instance LIST has certain behaviours (can add to the beginning, remove, etc,) and the only time the data matters is if its a sortable list and then the data has to somehow adhere to a “comparable” interface
Beyond that the LIST type really doesnt care about if its a list of integers, strings, doubles, classes etc
the C++ STL is a great example of this principal
All the “types” it defines are really “algorithms” for how you implement certain data types without regard for what the data is