These methods/class replicate the Xojo™ SCREEN methods/class.
- screenCount : Returns the number of screens (monitors) attached to the host computer
- screen(x) : Returns the information about a specific monitor. If you provide a screen number out of bounds, a fatal exception will occur
values for screen(x) (all of which are read-only)
- availableHeight [Int]
- availableLeft [Int]
- availableTop [Int]
- availableWidth [Int]
- left [Int]
- top [Int]
- height [Int]
- width [Int]
- depth [Int]
- scaleFactor [CGFloat]
// ds$SCREEN.swift
// This replicates the Xojo™ SCREEN methods
// Created by David Sisemore on 24-Feb-2022
import Cocoa
import Foundation
/// Used to determine the number of screens connected to the user’s computer.
var screenCount : Int { return NSScreen.screens.count }
public func screen(_ index:Int) -> ds$SCREEN {
if index >= 0 && index < screenCount { return ds$SCREEN(screen : index) }
fatalError("ERROR: Screen(index:\(index)) is out of range.")
public class ds$SCREEN : NSObject {
private var thisScreen : NSScreen?
private var mainScreen : NSScreen?
init(screen: Int) {
thisScreen = NSScreen.screens[screen]
mainScreen = NSScreen.screens[0]
public var availableHeight : Int { return Int(thisScreen!.visibleFrame.height) }
public var availableLeft : Int { return Int(thisScreen!.visibleFrame.minX) }
public var availableTop : Int { return Int(mainScreen!.frame.height-(thisScreen!.visibleFrame.minY+thisScreen!.visibleFrame.height)) }
public var availableWidth : Int { return Int(thisScreen!.visibleFrame.width) }
public var left : Int { return Int(thisScreen!.frame.minX) }
public var top : Int { return Int(mainScreen!.frame.height-(thisScreen!.frame.minY+thisScreen!.frame.height)) }
public var height : Int { return Int(thisScreen!.frame.height) }
public var width : Int { return Int(thisScreen!.frame.width) }
public var depth : Int { return thisScreen!.depth.bitsPerPixel }
public var scaleFactor : CGFloat { return thisScreen!.backingScaleFactor }
public func show() {
print(" Availble Left : \(availableLeft)")
print(" Availble Top : \(availableTop)")
print(" Availble Width : \(availableWidth)")
print("Availble Height : \(availableHeight)")
print(" Left : \(left)")
print(" Top : \(top)")
print(" Width : \(width)")
print(" Height : \(height)")
print(" Depth : \(depth)")
print(" Scalefactor : \(scaleFactor)")
This is part of my dsFRAMEWORK project