Swift : 'Designed for iPad'

I just started anoother App, mostly for iPad, but also for “Mac Designed for iPad”
When in Mac mode, there is a Titlebar with the standard StreetLights etc.

I would like to make this transparent and remove the default title, on a non-iPad using NSWindow, this is possible, but I can’t find a equivalent

(I’m using strictly SwiftUI)

I got disappointed a couple of times when using ‘Mac designed for iPad’ - and now, I create always a new macOS project, then enable iOS in a second step.

Means ‘my Mac’, not ‘Mac designed for iPad’

If needed, I created (for example) separate views for macOS/iOS
(#if os(macOS))…

Until now, I’m very happy with that setup - although my app’s are not that complicated… but most of them are macOS AND iPad AND iPhone

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Yes I am aware of supporting multiple platforms using APPKIT for macOS and UIKIT for iOS, but that isn’t the way this particular app is designed

and I have never used SwiftUI (too limiting)