Simple way to make a few bucks?

Ok… my codesign/notarize app seems to be ready, but I’d like to make a bit of $$ off it, Since it can’t be sandboxed, it can’t be in the AppStore… and I don’t want to use services like FastSpring. So do I ask people to sent me $8.00 and I emaiil them the app? or have them enter a code in the app and send money via Paypal? or?

I don’t want a complicate super secure over the top method… just a simple way to make some pizza and beer money off the last few weeks worth of work is all :slight_smile:

Simple Drag-n-Drop
Creates simple Zip, DMG or PKG files
Code-signs all components
Notarizes all components
Works for Xcode and Xojo apps (macOS only)

Requires Apple Developer Account
Does NOT work with iOS apps built as “Mac designed for iPad/iPhone”

May work for other compiled macOS apps, but not yet tested

Are you doing codesign --deep for this?

no, --deep is deprecated, I sign each component individucally

thats why i asked. bc for many instances, each component isn’t supposed to be signed.

Hadn’t figured out a generic way to tell what should be signed that works every time. Last I checked it was:

  • Don’t sign everything
  • Sign the binaries
  • Sign the libraries
  • Don’t sign the libraries you shouldn’t sign
  • Guess and check
    Source: Apple :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I didn’t have time to chase it down further. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would use PayPal. And I would take at least 16 Euros.

Congratulations on the good work. At this stage, I’m a loyal customer of Sam’s, but this doesn’t necessarily preclude my buying you a pizza anyway. :slight_smile:

Trust me, my app is no competiioin for App Wrapper… it is a no frills sign/notarize app

App Wrapper does a ton more, including things that I have no idea what they are :slight_smile:

Do a little google search and you will find data on how to identify exactly what does and does not need to be signed. my app scans the program bundle for those specific items

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Make an account at E-Junkie.
You link a paypal account.
Create an info page for your app.
Upload the DMG
get a ‘Buy Now’ button, put it on your website.

They will take the money, supply a download link to the customer, and the payment ends up in your PayPal account.

I’m pretty sure it’s still free for up to 10 products.

I’m looking at Revolut for accepting card payments. Might be worth a look for you.

having to pay for a service is counter-productive… if I expected to sell 1000’s of copies at 100s of dollars each, it might be worth it, but to sell <100 copies at $8 each, isn’t , but thanks

Looks like they are charging now:

Looks like they are charging now:

Yup. Mind you, $8 is reasonable for the service. (they deliver the product and maybe a serial number while you sleep)
In Dave’s situation that may still eat into any profit, in which case a simple link to a account might do the trick, followed by a manual email with download link.

@DaveS … worth pointing out that this is $8 per month no matter how many you sell, not per item.

Are you planning to provide perpetual license or going the SaaS route where they have to pay every year?

Did you check out Stripe?

We use it.

  • No transaction limit
  • No transaction fee
  • No bandwidth limit
  • Unlimited Sales

Wow, it its an amazing deal for high volume sales but, sadly, not this case.

They should have a plan with a small transaction fee and mo montly payment.