Russia and it's poodle - how deliciously ironic …

It just seems to be bucket upon bucket of pure and highly concentrated political toxic waste.

Sorry, but it’s just my opinion. You voted right? Your party actually won the last U.S. election correct? Excellent! Move forward with your thought, relax and enjoy your victory.

Not everybody on the opposing party or who holds political thoughts contrary to yours is a card carrying, Soviet sponsored, National Socialist, incompetent and mentally primitive racist who has sworn to remove the civil rights of all who are not white/conservative straight men and to violently purge anyone who opposes the absolute rule of Donald Trump. We have our lunatics and zealots, as do you. They are a visible and vocal minority.

There are a variety of gradations in regards to people’s political beliefs, even within the same party.

For example, I do not believe that all Democrats are drug abusing, tax sucking, sexually confused, violent, and chronically unemployed, Chinese communist party sponsored communists. I realize that most of you guys are probably cool and that we could get a beer at a pub without issue, so long as we agree to disagree on some core issues. I dont viscerally hate you guys, not at all.

Consider retarding the throttles just a tad after takeoff, its better for noise abatement, equipment longevity and fuel efficiency.

You don’t have to read it (and it is easy enough to ignore) - but you want to silence it?

It makes the entire site and endeavor look bad, it causes in-group fighting between members, factionalization based on conditions that have no place in a computer programming forum, it competes for attention with on topic discussions and depletes peoples time and energy who come here to focus on technical or professional topics. It destroys unity needed to accomplish the stated missions.

But to be clear, I agree. You should not be censored, but you should know better.

You are aware that I‘m German? And living in New Zealand? And that I read a cross-section of papers from different countries and political view points? As such I find the lies propagated in the right-wing press astonishing (especially where Brexit was concerned) but just as in the US they did not want to listen to reasoned arguments when their emotional (nationalistic) buttons were being pushed.

So no, I did not vote, it is not MY guys who won, but I am looking from the outside in and from what I see it is NOT a minority on the Republican side. It is VERY reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s, and what might save the US is it’s increasing diversity that Germany did not have to stop the rise of Hitler.

But little children separated from their mothers and put in cages? If that wasn’t enough for Republicans to say “STOP” then where is the point when enough is enough?

For me it was already when Trump said “just grab them by the pussy - they let you do that if you are rich”. That wasn’t just “locker room talk” - every locker room I’ve been in the guy would have gotten a hiding. But the majority of Republicans enabled Trump and kept their mouth shut as others egged him on. So don’t kid yourself about it “just being a minority” on the Right - because all the polls and evidence says it isn’t.

Now if you ARE one of the decent Republicans like Senator McCain then should you not have been at the forefront of stopping Trump’s excesses? Because then you KNEW it was wrong what he did - but you kept quiet? Or even defended him? Where does that put you on your own moral scale?

I seriously hope you don’t defend him like these guys:

At least some realise that they made a Faustian bargain and corrupted their own beliefs in not just allowing but following and spreading Trump’s agenda:

But I say it again: it is NOT a minority of Republicans who followed Trump and spread the conspiracy theories he championed (“Covid is a hoax”, “The election is stolen”, etc) but a MAJORITY according to every poll conducted. And these polls are facts that simply do not square with your point of view - so what do you do now? Ignore them? Or accept that your point of view is wrong? Or go down the rabbit hole and say they are “fake”?

That’s the question you have to answer. Most importantly to yourself.

P.S. On Saturday, the Arizona Republican party voted to censure Cindy McCain, the widow of the former senator and presidential candidate John McCain, and two other prominent party members who have crossed Trump.

The actions drew swift praise from the former president, who backed Kelli Ward, the firebrand state party chair who was the architect of the censure, and who recently won a narrow re-election.

Trump, the Post reported, called Ward to offer his “complete and total endorsement”.

VERY similar to the “cleansing of the party” as done by Putin, Erdogan, the Ayatollahs, etc …

I think it will show very clearly where the Republicans stand (and not just a minority) by whether they vote for impeachment or not (I very much doubt it). To quote the Republican Senator Romney:

“I believe that what is being alleged and what we saw, which is incitement to insurrection, is an impeachable offence. If not, what is?”

But then the remaining Republican’s don’t have the late McCane’s backbone … but are afraid of Trump:

And that is where the US has lost more respect and soft power in the eyes of the World than the Americans can imagine …

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Please Stop This Thread
Its unlikely to change anyones mind regardless of the facts
USA voters are the ONLY ones who wield any “power” here

Tilting at windmills and all