Routine to "Guess" encoding

Public Shared Function GuessEncoding(s As String) as TextEncoding
  // Guess what text encoding the text in the given string is in.
  // This ignores the encoding set on the string, and guesses
  // one of the following:
  //   * UTF-32
  //   * UTF-16
  //   * UTF-8
  //   * Encodings.SystemDefault
  // Written by Joe Strout, slightly modernized by Thomas Tempelmann
  #pragma DisableBackgroundTasks
  #pragma DisableBoundsChecking
  static isBigEndian, endianChecked As Boolean
  if not endianChecked then
    Dim temp As String = Encodings.UTF16.Chr( &hFEFF )
    isBigEndian = (AscB( MidB( temp, 1, 1 ) ) = &hFE)
    endianChecked = true
  end if
  // check for a BOM
  Dim b0 As Integer = AscB( s.MidB( 1, 1 ) )
  Dim b1 As Integer = AscB( s.MidB( 2, 1 ) )
  Dim b2 As Integer = AscB( s.MidB( 3, 1 ) )
  Dim b3 As Integer = AscB( s.MidB( 4, 1 ) )
  if b0=0 and b1=0 and b2=&hFE and b3=&hFF then
    // UTF-32, big-endian
    if isBigEndian then
      #if RBVersion >= 2012.02
        return Encodings.UTF32
        return Encodings.UCS4
      return Encodings.UTF32BE
    end if
  elseif b0=&hFF and b1=&hFE and b2=0 and b3=0 and s.LenB >= 4 then
    // UTF-32, little-endian
    if isBigEndian then
      return Encodings.UTF32LE
      #if RBVersion >= 2012.02
        return Encodings.UTF32
        return Encodings.UCS4
    end if
  elseif b0=&hFE and b1=&hFF then
    // UTF-16, big-endian
    if isBigEndian then
      return Encodings.UTF16
      return Encodings.UTF16BE
    end if
  elseif b0=&hFF and b1=&hFE then
    // UTF-16, little-endian
    if isBigEndian then
      return Encodings.UTF16LE
      return Encodings.UTF16
    end if
  elseif b0=&hEF and b1=&hBB and b1=&hBF then
    // UTF-8 (ah, a sensible encoding where endianness doesn't matter!)
    return Encodings.UTF8
  end if
  // no BOM; see if it's entirely ASCII.
  Dim m As MemoryBlock = s
  Dim i, maxi As Integer = s.LenB - 1
  for i = 0 to maxi
    if m.Byte(i) > 127 then exit
  if i > maxi then return Encodings.ASCII
  // Not ASCII; check for a high incidence of nulls every other byte,
  // which suggests UTF-16 (at least in Roman text).
  Dim nulls(1) As Integer  // null count in even (0) and odd (1) bytes
  for i = 0 to maxi
    if m.Byte(i) = 0 then
      nulls(i mod 2) = nulls(i mod 2) + 1
    end if
  if nulls(0) > nulls(1)*2 and nulls(0) > maxi\2 then
    // UTF-16, big-endian
    if isBigEndian then
      return Encodings.UTF16
      return Encodings.UTF16BE
    end if
  elseif nulls(1) > nulls(0)*2 and nulls(1) > maxi\2 then
    // UTF-16, little-endian
    if isBigEndian then
      return Encodings.UTF16LE
      return Encodings.UTF16
    end if
  end if
  // it's not ASCII; check for illegal UTF-8 characters.
  // See Table 3.1B, "Legal UTF-8 Byte Sequences",
  // at <>
  Dim b As Byte
  for i = 0 to maxi
    select case m.Byte(i)
    case &h00 to &h7F
      // single-byte character; just continue
    case &hC2 to &hDF
      // one additional byte
      if i+1 > maxi then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+1)
      if b < &h80 or b > &hBF then exit for
      i = i+1
    case &hE0
      // two additional bytes
      if i+2 > maxi then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+1)
      if b < &hA0 or b > &hBF then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+2)
      if b < &h80 or b > &hBF then exit for
      i = i+2
    case &hE1 to &hEF
      // two additional bytes
      if i+2 > maxi then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+1)
      if b < &h80 or b > &hBF then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+2)
      if b < &h80 or b > &hBF then exit for
      i = i+2
    case &hF0
      // three additional bytes
      if i+3 > maxi then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+1)
      if b < &h90 or b > &hBF then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+2)
      if b < &h80 or b > &hBF then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+3)
      if b < &h80 or b > &hBF then exit for
      i = i+3
    case &hF1 to &hF3
      // three additional bytes
      if i+3 > maxi then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+1)
      if b < &h80 or b > &hBF then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+2)
      if b < &h80 or b > &hBF then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+3)
      if b < &h80 or b > &hBF then exit for
      i = i+3
    case &hF4
      // three additional bytes
      if i+3 > maxi then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+1)
      if b < &h80 or b > &h8F then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+2)
      if b < &h80 or b > &hBF then exit for
      b = m.Byte(i+3)
      if b < &h80 or b > &hBF then exit for
      i = i+3
      exit for
    end select
  next i
  if i > maxi then return Encodings.UTF8  // no illegal UTF-8 sequences, so that's probably what it is
  // If not valid UTF-8, then let's just guess the system default.
  return Encodings.SystemDefault
End Function
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Is this correct? you check for BigEndian and return a LittleEndian encoding.

I have to admit I know next to nothing about text encodings and I don’t fully understand your code but that seems wrong to me.


Well Joe Strout and Thomas must have thought it was correct… I didn’t write it… .seems to work

I see now my mistake, isBigEndian does not refer to the string being analysed but the system.


Thanks for sharing; it’ll easily be a useful piece of code.