Replacing LogmeinRescue

We have been using LogmeinRescue more than 12 years now and getting more and more expensive and wonder is there any better.

Currently, we are just send a pincode to put in the webpage and then after they download, install the program downloaded and it will ask some question which required them to yes/ok.

On the mac catalina and big sur, after connection, user still need to go to system preference , security and privacy, privcay tab, accessibilty and tick on logmein thingy option

i wondering if there is any better program or application to use for doing remote support for client.

@scott Mention AnyDesk and i saw something Splashtop SOS. we are goint doing a trial for this two and wondering what else is available

I’ve been using AnyDesk for about a year now and it works great. They just download and run it - no installation necessary. On a Mac they can run it directly from the DMG - no need to drag it to Applications.

I don’t think any remote access system will be able to get around the permissions issue in Catalina and Big Sur, but AnyDesk does guide them directly to the settings to change.

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sound cool regarding Anydesk… will give it a good look

I’ve been using AnyDesk too with good results.

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Is it for remote support or remote control for u??

Well in terms of end user support i am afraid there is no way around Teamviewer. It simply works everywhere, sometimes in a creepy way for admins cause they thought their desktops would be safe behind firewalls.

You can choose between different modules (each with own logo and branding). The Host version is aimed for remote controlling to login without any interaction. The Quick Support module, hence the name. is for support without the need for installation. It can be added to your software. the full-blown Teamviewer Client Software is for everything.

I strongly suggest not to use any of these 3rd party software on mission-critical systems or servers.

It WAS great many years ago. Now it is a money hungry company with a slow product filled with bugs and naging adds to buy add ons. I still use a old version stable enoughtuntil they decide that the “perpetual” licence is not valid anymore.

AnyDesk is faster, cleaner and cheaper.

For Windows desktops, Windows 10 includes Quick Assist. The technician needs a microsoft login (any login will do, doesn’t need to be connected to any other microsoft services.) Simple and easy to use. To start the connection just search for “quick” and Quick Assist pops right up. There’s no persistent connection, the computer user needing help must initiate the session.

Had you looked at TeamViewer?


There are comments about TeamViewer on this thread

Yikes that teaches me from taking a break and writing to the forums without reading all the way down :slight_smile:

AnyDesk came from TeamViewer, as some of the engineers didnt like the direction the company (and therefore the product) was going. That is why AD and TV have a very similar look/feel. I wont use TV any longer due to their direction. but AD on the other hand I have used quite a bit. :+1:

thanks for all the advice. we are going to check them out next week and let you all know what we decide.

We already decide early April to move to ANYDESK and this is brilliant. I can install on iPhone, android phone and my iPad and I can control both way… so when I am out and about, I can login to my iMac etc if I have it set as unattended access and do what I need to do. also I can connect to my iPhone etc to look at what the user are doing without the remote control part

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