Question about Xojo iOS signing and packaging

Question for everyone… For those of you that are still using Xojo iOS (besides Norman because he’s one of the reason’s I’m asking) how many of you run into regular issues signing and creating the final bundle for uploading to the App Store? And how often does that happen to you? (I’m talking about anything from the dreaded “resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed” to the very generic “You’re missing a provisioning profile” messages.)

(Sorry I’ve been away, the world’s been kicking my butt over the last few years)

I am using it. I am not getting messages.
But every time I upgrade Xcode or Xojo, or sneeze, it all goes wrong.
Greg’s profile triage tool has helped me out many times.
But if I ever met an Apple guy who was behind this rat’s nest, I won’t be held accountable for my actions.
(They cannot even agree on what the profiles are called, let alone clearly show what they are used for)


Why blame Apple for Xojo iOS signing problems. Code signing works perfectly with the tools Apple designed it to work with (ie. Swift and ObjC). Any failures at interoperatbility lie solely with Xojo and are of no concern to Apple at all

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Indeed I have been able to create a project & set the bundle identifier to my clients one & sign that successfully in Xcode

And using Gregs tool

I think what greg is seeking is IF anyone, besides me, is having issues with Xojo’s implementation in part to point out to Xojo what they are not handling correctly
And some using Xojo have no issue
But I suspect they have a single team and few certs & profiles

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I’m also trying to figure out if adding all of this functionality to APT is something the community needs. We worked out the kinks with Norman but I also don’t want to make it more complicated.

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In a way I’d personally think that a tool that correctly package & sign would be useful to devs using Go, Rust, and other tools like it is to Xojo users like me

Sort of like App Wrapper is to people NOT using Xcode

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Maybe. I don’t have a way to test that right now.

I just don’t want this to turn into a product that needs frequent maintenance.

You do realize you’re dealing with the Apple ecosystem
Right ?

Apples motto seems to be “if it’s not broken it will be. Just because”



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FWIW, that’s why APT exists at all. Too many Xojo developers were running into the same or similar issues pertaining to certificates and profiles every fall when they needed to update their apps. As one of the resident iOS signing “experts,” I was spending a lot of time asking the same questions over and over. Now APT does that all automatically and more.

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I am currently updating my iOS game. I haven’t released a new version in 2 years. As you all know there is a lot to catch up on. Greg told me about his certification program and that is a great help. Sounds like I should know about APT. Where do I find it?

You can download it from my website:

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Being a heavy debian user, the name ‘APT’ was confusing me lol.

It’s also listed on your homepage as “profile tool”. The only reason I clicked on it was because I wanted to see more about it while I came back here to ask where APT was :rofl: .

Being also a heavy Debian and Ubuntu user. Was scared about it also.

I am confused… I assumed this might give good data about Xcode certs etc for non-Xojo users, but it looks like I have to tell it in Preferences everything that I expected it to tell me.

Why doesn’t it automatically lookup all the certs installed? (I can give you Swift code for this if you need)… or perhaps I am totally misunderstanding the whole purpose???

from the quickstart:

Nine times out of ten, the most common problem that people run into is that a certificate or device list expired, rendering the corresponding profile invalid. Unfortunately, neither macOS nor Xcode can tell you that, but they will appear in the profile list as Invalid. To correct this situation, log into your Apple Dev account, renew or recreate any expired certificates, and then Edit and Save each of the profiles that are now invalid. Once those changes have been made, come back to Profile Triage and select Edit > Profiles > Refresh and then Edit > Profiles > Download to update your local profiles.

Ok… no idea what that was supposed to mean… but I do know that Apple Connect tells you exactly what certs you have, and when they will expire

the website doesn’t show local mismatches, or present it all in one place. The website has a description too. :person_shrugging:

no worries… thought it might be useful, but not when I have to manually feed it all the information that is already available… thanks

you don’t. you stick the api key and it pulls down everything, and compares it to what’s on your system.

If that’s not useful thats fine, but it did help me finally fix a testflight issue i’ve been having so I’m grateful for that.

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