No other migration path for Web1 projects than a rewrite

It takes this as evidence that there is no official and validated migration path for Web1 projects to Web2 and Xojo (silently) assumes that the actual migration path is a rewrite:

Master class in ‘leaving the customer out in the cold’

What do you believe what was happened to me? When I was ready with my application I had to rewrite it while web2 could not produce what I needed. Web 1 could but was deprecated. And, within one or two years, we will not be able to run that projects on actual browsers anymore. So what: that story ended.

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Favourite quote so far:

BTW, you don’t need to change Dim to Var. that’s purely your choice.

That’s very true.

BTW, you don’t need to change Dim to Var. that’s purely your choice.

But if you do and then want to roll back you do have to change Var back to Dim.


So insane. Why not add WebStyles in Web 2 to support the customers Xojo screwed over with such a bad “conversion” process.

Shows lack of caring.

Shows lack of resources too.

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There they are, the latest and greatest libraries and frameworks, embedded into the newest release. :man_facepalming: :facepunch:

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Yeah that’s new age tech to be sure that it does not work correctly

BTW, you don’t need to change Dim to Var. that’s purely your choice.

Didn’t some true genius state

I came up with the idea for API 2 precisely because I believed the API was accumulating cruft.

Dim, Var…yeah

Yes, the genius. Just as the old documentation (with links to the same) does not lead to the exact position in the new documentation, but only to the start page. Brilliant. The developer, aka Genius, only thought half of it, if at all.

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Opposite World


Dim-Var…is Xojo looking for the dim-witted customer who can easily be tricked into buying a license by this kind of shell game?

Alternative facts… :crazy_face:

People should’t complain about outdated libraries. They got Var!

Let’s stress-test it.

I’m searching for “Var” in the old documentation:

I would have guessed that if I clicked on the link, I would end up at “var” in the new documentation. Especially since the old documentation was apparently database-driven, so the new links could have been included there. Apparently that was overlooked.

Developers are known to think in an unstructured and cumbersome way, and that’s why it “naturally” doesn’t work to simply replace the sub-domain. With you end up in Nirvana (page not found). Well done.

My favourite is this documentation: Updating Older Projects — Xojo documentation

I’m already very cynical, but this reference is hard to beat.

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Unbeatable, indeed. World class cynism.

The referenced blog post has more of this:

If you are one of those long time users who has grown accustomed to the inconstancies that API 2.0 addresses, you might be wondering if there’s any value for you in using it. The answer is absolutely yes! While it will take a little time for you to get used to the new APIs, what you will find is that you become increasingly more productive because they are so consistent. You will find (as I did) that you can guess at what the API is and likely be correct. I personally made 95% of the Language Reference updates for API 2.0. The documentation wiki does not auto-complete so I had to double-check all the code I was updating. In no time I found that I rarely made errors because API 2.0 is so consistent. You will absolutely see productivity gains once you have used it for a short time.

I personally made 95% of the Language Reference updates for API 2.0”

Well, that explains a lot…

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The last user turns off the light, I have a gut feeling which flawless stable genius this user will be.