Munged Project 2019r1.1

I do “Save As” for binary projects for “version control”.

I have a module with bunch of modules embed in it hierarchically…

Somehow one of the sub module “disappeared” from the IDE and when i try to run I get a bunch of errors from it being missing…

BUT If I save the project as XML or Text it is still there… But as a top level module… though as I said it does not show up in the navigator.

Opening up the immediately prior binary version the IDE show it to be where it is supposed to be but ALSO at the top level. If I delete teh ghost top level version, the one where it is supposed to be loss all its contents…

Basically somehow the the IDE has gotten confused as hell!

Copy and pasting the module to where it is supposed to be does not help…

How can I recover from this?


The module 2nd Level module (VelocityReport), that now that I played some games with the text project, is showing up at the top level of the project, but still can’t be put where it belongs.

I tried renaming the base module (MicroPlate to MicroPlateX) and created a new one with name MicroPlate and manually copied and pasted everything that should be in MicroPlate into it. I then deleted MicroPlateX and the misplaced top level VelocityReport module.

When i tried to Run I got the following error:
MicroPlate contains VelocityReport, but this is not supported.

Which makes no sense.

so are you saying that in 2018r4 (for instance) this are right ?
and when you open in 2019r1.1 they’re not ?

I have only been working in 2019R1.1

Just tried it in 2018R3 and same thing.


Anybody have any suggestions on how I can recover the project? I can’t afford to loss the work done between today and the last save that as not munged.

I was saving regularly but I had not touch any of those hierarchical modules for sever days… I was working on other parts of the project and did do multiple Save As versions in-between , but had not done a run… and so did not know they were munged until today.


I decided to bite the bullet and update the last good version I have and recreate the last 3 days of work… I don’t know if the project is fixable and need to keep moving on it… It should go faster the 2nd time … sigh…

I wish I knew how the project got into this state so it does not happen again…

Odds are whatever let it happen it is probably still in the current/beta IDE.

Things like this can really cost a lot of time… but without knowing how to reproduce it, reporting it is pointless

But that said, as on TOF Greg asked me what name of the module is, I suspect Xojo inc has seen or heard about this issue before.


I’'d need a copy of the project and then I’d save it a TEXT and munge it around