Man; I wish I knew this many years ago

He did understand. You not. Read his description. He is totally right.

I will say that as the originator of this thread I was puzzled about MBS relevance since I hadn’t sought a Xojo solution nor had I mentioned anything to do with Xojo

I’ll confess I dont see their relevance to my post


CGPSConverter is not part of Xojo, it is part of MacOS.

“Declares” are not unique to Xojo; the concept of calling into an OS’s API is pretty much universal.

Christian’s suggestion to use “CGPSConverter via declares” had nothing to do with Xojo.

I’d respectfully disagree since Christians post said

I didnt need, and still dont need, to use Xojo for what I wanted
My original post lets me view man pages as separate PDF’s on Catalina

This entire thread was meant more as a “Hey. If you didnt know this here’s how you can …”

Look, I come here to listen to people bitch about Xojo, not to listen to people bitch about Christian Schmitz.

And if the number of years as a professional developer, or number of years in business, or number of successful products brought to market is the metric we’re using to judge people’s worth here, I have you beat by a very large margin, @thorstenstueker.

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I fully agree. And as Norman has stated in the past, it never comes with useful information, just “You might want to try…”.

You misunderstand. I am not supporting any technique or solution, I don’t even know wtf CGPSConverter is, and I would never argue for a complex solution over a simple and elegant one. I just thought it was unfair for everyone to pile on Christian for plugging his wares when in fact he offered a suggestion that didn’t require his wares. That’s the only point I was trying to make.




threads seem to just consistently turn into fights and it is truly distressing


Hiding our posts while flagged…but hers not shows how you think. Exactly my Humor. As I can’t write you on INN a direct message (I guess you blocked me) I am doing it here: why hiding the posts and telling stop it. And hide not all of them?

No! he was promoting his plugins first and foremost.

And then added a suggestion for an unnecessary API call.
Normans one line shell script didn’t need either.
the changes to Normans script to make it Ventura compatible is still one line, and also doesn’t need either as well.

He was doing his normal trick of self promotion, for personal financial gain.

I moderated all the posts
And I agreed with some of the flagged one
And not with others

This thread descended into a fight for no other reason than to fight

So I locked it

This is the FIRST, and I hope ONLY time I will have to lock a thread to get everyone to stop


I would be happy is a fight like this would not come up. But we are all humans and things like that can be happened

Keeping things civil while disagreeing is fine


Increasingly it seems like this is a lost art.

Disagreement is not personal annihilation.

Not being impressed with what you are impressed with is not personal annihilation.

And yet, people behave as if being assaulted / murdered / negated when they aren’t. “People who aren’t like me must not exist. Live and let live? What’s that?”


I PROBABLY SHOULD have just locked the thread
But I also hid it from being seen in the listings
Hoping it would be a way to cool tempers

Well, lets just say THAT failed
Hiding it made some people think it had been deleted (which it hadn’t but they have no way to know that)

So from now on IF things get contentious I will silence involved parties for several hours
Should that fail to reduce the heat I’ll lock a thread for several hours

But I wont hide them again

mandoc -T pdf "$(/usr/bin/man -w chmod)" | open -fa Preview

works fine on ventura

