Now we have, Yes, it is a bug, but It Is Unnoticeable On My Computer
Now we have, Yes, it is a bug, but It Is Unnoticeable On My Computer
when did geoff grow a beard?
where is the facepalm icon when i need it most?
I really need to figure out how to add that to the reactions list
EDIT - figures its the typical open source _edit this yaml, pull this git hub, restart that service and so on _
Oh and good luck ! (because these instructions are probably not up to date and if there are issues you’re on your own)
… arg !!!
This website used to have several reaction icons. Suddenly, one day, the heart symbol was the only one remaining. I thought you made a change in the settings
The old plugin that gave those wasn’t supported
And caused issues
So it was removed
There is an official one and maybe one day I’ll sit down & follow the 100 steps required to install it
I can be enticed to do so with money for tacos.
Reminds me of when our house was built. We pointed out some crown molding that was about a half inch misaligned in a couple of the corners. The builder said, “I wouldn’t notice it personally”. Well great for you, but, personally, you know, I notice it and last I checked I’m paying extra for it.
In Germany we have a saying:
Pfusch am Bau ist es nur, wenn der Kunde es merkt.
It is only botched construction if the customer discovers it
means… try to do it fast and cover everything, before the customer comes along
Kind of along the lines of
What you dont know wont hurt you
until it can or does
My house was that way and eventually it hurt to the tune of $24,000
What was the problem if you don’t mind sharing?
A septic tank buried underground with no access to clean it out etc
No one, not even the folks that sold us the house, had any idea this even existed
Caused no end of problems & we eventually had to replace it in the middle of winter which is way more expensive
Plumbers had to crack open the floor of the basement to install new lines to the new tank and then reattach that to the trickle field