Learning python

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do you know if he used Xojo to develop that app? :slight_smile:

if you really want to learn a language use your desktop computer, buy 2-3 books, one for beginners, one for professionals and last one with basic or mostly used algorithms, frameworks and implementations.

No need for an iPad App full of data collections sniffing on you…

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Swift Playgrounds was a great “game” to give to kids
I got a couple hooked on it (6 and 10) and it was fun to watch the two of them “play” the game and collaborate on how to “win”
This could be much the same for other languages

Books give you structure, no question - but nowadays they are often out of date before they are printed, let alone edited.

In my opinion, it is better to go with videos and targeted blog searches and online documentation.

At a time when everything has to be free, nobody wants to pay, but online tutorials are a great way to get started very quickly. The good tutorials help you, with the bad ones you can learn how not to do it :wink:

But they (at least well written and comprehensive ones) tend to be the only things that given enough details in general and can save a lot if time figuring out how to do something.

  • Karen (who may be a dinosaur!)

I tend to still like books as well
I scribble in the margins to make my own notes
And I like that I can read it anywhere
The airplane where I dont have internet, the beach where I dont want to take a device, etc
Videos are, for me, add ons to a book esp because just searching for them then leads to “just how current is this ?”

Oh Joy I’m watching a Swift 2 video and its now Swift 5 ! YAY !!!

Karenosaurus ?

Meet the others in the herd :stuck_out_tongue:

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yes I do agree, though for many modern topics … there are no dinosaurs left writing one. Or in Java dinosaurs are still writing books about “Swing”, but not (the more modern) “JavaFX”. Books to learn mastering some very complex tools like jetBrains IDE? … I haven’t found any yet.

That’s why I am sometimes researching the online “erratum” of books. They are often larger than the original books, and are explaining quite in detail the news changes and as such are “books” on their own :slight_smile:

Greta is opposing, so I stay at home :slight_smile:

Not an option for me :slight_smile:

I’m jealeous :slight_smile:

Lessons learnt: Xojo is very modern, no current books available. Yeah, finally something positive to report.

creative editing of what I said :stuck_out_tongue:

books are nice when there is NO internet
Happens quite frequently where I live with big electrical thunderstorms

I suppose thats one way to twist it up and make it positive
You should be in marketing !

Most tutorial platforms allow offline downloading in the app :wink: . Again I’m not against books, but unfortunately many topics aren’t covered in books any longer.

There seem to be lots of books still




Tons of PHP ones
Lots on Swift

There are a couple Zig books

oh - and one Kindle only Xojo book for sale on amazon that is free on xojo’s site

NOW dont get me wrong
I use online as well
I just happen to like books for certain things
Something tactile about them that makes me like them

And when I get pissed off good ones have weight to throw :stuck_out_tongue:

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And the most of the fx stuff and c++ stuff is outdated crap.

That was my point. Books are good for general topics. Grammer of the language, concepts, though such things are covered in good tutorials as well.

But for learning the greatest and latest features, best practises, A/B testing, performance tuning you need IMHO people showing you real life examples and you have to solve exercices. Passive reading won’t lead to anything but frustration.