Keychain and Dev Certificates

I am a solo developer, so I only have ONE Developer Certificate in my keychain
Developer ID Application: R.David Sisemore (55ABCDE5FG)

my question is on a SINGLE machine can it contain multiple people with the same TEAMID
such as

Developer ID Application: R.David Sisemore (55ABCDE5FG)
Developer ID Application: Fred J Flintstone (55ABCDE5FG)

and/or the same name on multiple teams?

Developer ID Application: R.David Sisemore (55ABCDE5FG)
Developer ID Application: R.David Sisemore (44NOPQR4YZ)

or both combinations

Developer ID Application: R.David Sisemore (55ABCDE5FG)
Developer ID Application: Fred J Flintstone (55ABCDE5FG)
Developer ID Application: R.David Sisemore (44NOPQR4YZ)

yes. esp if you collaborate with others.

perhaps I am confused (esp since Apple Docs suck) but it looks like if you have multiple PEOPLE on the same team, there is only ONE entry but it is assigned to a GROUP not an individual

and if that is correct, than my above example is NOT true… but as I said, confusion reigns

perhaps it changed, but that wasn’t what i saw when i did it in the past.
it never hurts to take into account such cases tho.