Having fun with b4j on a MacBook Pro m1

I clicked on Download button and get an .exe button.

Smile Emile, it’s Sunday !


So many people in this forum comenting about being a Windows IDE, and with some “hidden” cluess in the download page should not be a surprize…

“requires Windows 64 bit.”

“… to unzip the large package. Windows Explorer might…”

“Select “Windows x86” or “Windows x64” (for 64 bit machines) in the platforms list.”


I run B4X apps with Parallels on my MBP. It works very nicely especially since B4X apps are so small. B4J.exe clocks in at only 837KB. I also run other Windows-only apps such as PascalABC.Net, Delphi, etc…

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I also do this sort of thing
I run MS Visual Studio in a VM (or the deprecated VS for macOS on my Mac)
Or one of many IntelliJ IDE’s since I got them ALL for less than a pro license of Xojo (12 IDE’s + other tools)

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JetBrains IDE’s are certainly top-of-the-line, well worth the price of admission IMHO - it’s even more interesting that the Swing GUI library is supposedly used for the development of their IDE’s. :rocket::rocket::rocket:

TBH it shows that its swing at least on my Mac
But they do so darned much I can forgive the obvious “not macNess” of them
Just needed to remap the kbd short cuts to ones I expect

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They use flatlaf look and feels. Simple to work with. Just use java swing and flatlaf libs. Runs on all desktop platforms. Since two decades in two drcades

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