Graffitisuite Tweet

Interesting tweet seen tonight on Twitter. Any ideas who this could be?

No idea
Esp since he says he has an admission of guilt

There are not many who sell source code for use with Xojo so that really limits the possible culprits

HOWEVER, having been involved in litigation over source code I can say it can be VERY difficult to ABSOLUTELY UNEQUIVOCALLY prove it is YOUR code

There are some things that can only be done in a limited set of ways so the likelihood that two independent authors would come up with similar ways to do it isn’t surprising
And since many tools dont fingerprint lines of code in any reliable consistent way that can add to the ambiguity.
There can be things that might help raise the likelihood that is is your code or not
Particular, peculiar naming of properties, variables, etc
But that doesnt guarantee its your code - it just raises the likelihood
And enough of those can lead to being quite certain - although never foolproof

An actual admission is certainly helpful though :slight_smile:

Yeah strange that they admitted it given the implications.

It wasn’t me, I swear!

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Geez, foul play and ruthless people in Xojo land!


I have not sold any source code for few years now so it was not me (besides I’m not that good)


No I don’t think anyone would think it was me…

BTW I heard that my Mergable listbox was pirated very shorty after I started selling it all those years ago…

I don’t think anyone I sold it to did that… I’m sure it was the RB encrypted demo version I had on the web that was cracked.

I hope whatever Xojo comes up wow now for "plug-ins"in Xojo is a lot more secure than the old encryption!


It is already hard to sell Xojo components, even harder with API 2.0 and DesktopControls, but now this.

Don’t do that, don’t devalue your work and yourself.

Why would someone post such a tweet, when it is not for exposing the person or organisation the whole thing is about. What is the intention of that tweet?


Anthony is quite rightly angry. He works hard in the Xojo community and this not only affects his income, it affects his credibility.


Marketing :wink:

If there would is one person that would never do something like that I would bet it is you. But there are people which try to sell Xojo stuffs by self and using Code from third parties which is not free. Many people think when it comes as Sourcecode it is for free. Not you as far as I could read in any of your statements.

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It sounds more like Warnung: Buy only the original made by Graffiti. Buy nothing else. Otherwise you are in the risk of getting problems with his lawyers. That he is not exposing is simple: when exposing you must be totally sure that you have all evidences and all stuffs. Before a justice was saying the last words about it is dangerous. Beside the he wants to get rid with his angriness. What I can understand. But it is the wrong way.

When providing Sourcecode it is always dangerous to do. Mostly third parties are rewriting on base of the code that would even be harder to find.

The tweet casts a doubt on each and every competing offer of Xojo add ons that provides similar functionality (or a subset thereof) to Graffiti Suite’s.
Every such offer now smacks of carrying the plagiarised code.
This can make people hesitant buying this kind of Xojo add ons, except Graffiti Suite’s which doesn’t carry the mark, according to the tweet.
Not sure if I would call this strategy a fair and honest marketing.

hahaha noo. It is not. Definitely. He was the one I got in trouble with when I got banned. He is not fair at all if you would ask me. But that has nothing to do with it. Cyphers knows which effect it takes and you are not even far away from truths. As far as I know there is a long way to get done with a trial for illegal Software copy which begins with the question: did he (the guilty one) had a chance to write that code different. What means: Writing a hello world for example in Java gives you only a few ways how to do it. And the code:

System.out.println(“Hello World”);

if not a code you can have a copyright on while it is a code written while impossible to do different or while normal way of writing. What Graffiti does here is to blame without showing who is the one. So he reaches exactly what you said. Yes. And no, it was never a fair business. Xojo Add On Business isn’t fair at all. The biggest part of this business is wrapping. Sorry but that isn’t a so hard process. And the other Part is using C++. Also not really hard to do.

But Xojo users are paying for every Line of Code. So for PDF, so for fast Database (wow, dream). They pay while there is no ability to.

Looking from the Java world to this business where I have Apache POI, PDF, tons of additions to the language as approved and well tested free Software: it would not be a business to sell this stuff.

The other side for Plugin Sellers is the decreasing market. Less users making less sales. And the competitors around are attractive. Toolchains like Quasar, VueJS and others, GO, Python, C++ and Java are interesting while they are definitely industry standard, well documented and extremely reliable. So the market is becoming more and more small.

Also the one UI for all platforms dream is misleading. While the platforms are to different and while the platforms are in the need of differing interfaces. That makes it nearly impossible to provide user interfaces for all platforms from one generated view.

So there are less customers and not to forget: less chances to get the money. People which where extremely active in the Xojo scene went to other tools and that shows: the world becomes smaller for the Xojo toolset.

Seems like Anthony should name who the culprit is otherwise customers of this person are unwittingly buying something illegitimate.

I sell some some source code but I dislike how it is packaged up. I too wish that Xojo would hurry up and publish their “Libraries” solution they have been discussing for years. That would certainly help in this situation.

No timeline/deadline on this…

A true x-platform UI is the smallest common denominator of all concerned platforms. It appears that it is quite a challenge to build an IDE for this. The risk that advantages of specific platforms can’t be leveraged in applications because the are not available in other target platforms is quite real.

Web apps try to solve this by running in a JIT compiler that is part of the browser.
FileMaker tries to solve this by executing apps in an interpreter that provides the same UI controls on target platforms of the same type (i.e. desktop).
Xojo tries this by providing it’s own library of controls that are supposed to look and behave the same on all target platforms of the same type.

Web apps face the challenge of different browsers and different rendering engines.
FileMaker’s and Xojo approaches have both the advantages but also their limitations when compared to an application that uses the native controls of a target platform.

It is a trade-off for every developer. Both FileMaker and Xojo are used by very small communities of independent developers and some in-house developers. To corporate IT executives, both are mostly unknown (at least here in Europe). Universities here do not teach these languages.
The European Union has a population of approximately 447 000 000 people (USA: ~332 000 000). Add some countries which are in the same geographical region but are not part of the EU like UK and CH.

It baffles me that both Xojo and FileMaker are still that small and of growing insignificance here after being in business for 30+ years and despite the fact that they market a solution to the x-platform conundrum.

Well Claris have been too busy wasting time on other projects instead of fully pushing forward the Filemaker platform. They are a confused mess. The licensing has been ridiculous for years now.


First of all: Xojo is indeed behaving with Web different on different platforms of the Server and the client. It is not really wysiwyg development with Xojo. But never mind that counts for IOS and Desktop for all platforms also.

With Java Swing I have the exactly same UI on all platforms. Makes things more simple: one set of docs for the entire UI instead of many sets (Windows, MacOS, KDE, Gnome). So I am very happy to build Desktop Apps with Java Swing.

For Web:I believe strongly in open Source. So I use Vaadin and doing hand coding of the UI for Vaadin. The Vaadin UI is fitting in our todays time. It is reliable and makes no stresses. So I believe that Vaadin is a strong and reliable Web Solution.

For IOS and Android I use always CodeNameOne. While it produces a cross platform UI I can use one UI for both: Android and IOS.

The neat part in my eyes now: if I am strongly separating Logic and Design I can write my Logic once and use it as Library for my Projects. So I am writing the Logic as a Lib and have only to import that. Done. It makes fun and makes Development faster. While I can still use the Platforms Goods (Windows, Linux, MacOS, IOS and Android and Web) I have a good base for Application Development. But that is something everybody has to decide for himself