Formatting 1234567890 to (123) 456 7890

Dim orig As String = "1234567890"
Dim i As Integer = val(orig) // could make I a double as well since val wont overflow it anyway
Dim s As String = Format(i, "\(###\)###\-####")

format handles a lot of stuff easily


That’s pretty slick.

Format, the ancient API 1 function, is pretty versatile :slight_smile:

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Oh fer f sake

This won’t work for strings that start with zero

So use one of the other numeric place markers like 0 and be done with it

Dim orig As String = "1234567890"
Dim i As Integer = val(orig) // could make I a double as well since val wont overflow it anyway
Dim s As String = Format(i, "\(000\)000\ 0000")

Note I removed the - since the format I originally gave was a bit off

It seems wasteful to first convert string into number and then back to string using Format(). Can’t Xojo split strings into groups and use simple format string for formatting?

with 8th I would simply do something like:

[3,3,4] s:/ "(%s) %s %s" s:strfmt

Unpack functionality could also be used to do the string split:

"2:3b1:4b" unpack drop "(%s) %s %s" s:strfmt

Naturally input string should be validated first.

Split is accomplished with things like mid, left, right etc
Or a regex

And there is no “sprintf” like function