Flutter for windows is finally here

Seems its time to learn a new language :slightly_smiling_face:

yes. Kotlin native.

With Kotlin you can program Android, IOS, Web, Windows, Linux and MacOS. That makes Code cross platform.

After that where is the need for Flutter and Dart? In my view it is less complex to learn kutlin especially as a Xojo user than learning flutter. And Kotlin will be available for a guaranteed long time while running on JVM and compilable to native code as needed.

There are quite a few cross platform dev tools that are very, very close to matching Xojo capabilities. Xojo is screwed because there’s no way they can innovate fast enough to match these newcomers. I think they’ve wasted their opportunities.


Yes, I’m afraid so :cry:

Sounds so. They lost against Flutter and Kotlin definitely. With Kotlin Web they lost completely. They have no chance anymore to fill that gaps while all this is inside of a consistent language. Even Flutter is really nice. No question. As I am a Java Programmer I learned Kotlin really fast while - it is fast to learn. Multiplatform in a real nice way while codesharing over all platforms is possible. If they build up a cross platform UI designer, Xojo will have a hard time. Especially while it uses - like Xojo - the native controls and is native compiled.

Very much so. I’m all in on PHP and bootstrap after all the problems with Web 1.0. I looked forward to Web 2.0 but that ended up being even worse. I guess now we have to wait for Web 3.0, except no one cares anymore. Xojo messed up big time.

This looks pretty cool. Dart is YANCFL (Yet Another C Family Language) that looks reasonably mature and has some interesting stuff like mixins. I have zero experience with Google ecosystems; I do read a fair bit of snark from people concerning Google’s penchant for suddenly losing interest in platforms or services and stranding users that depend on them. OTOH I don’t know that M$FT – the devil I DO know – has anything this comprehensive in the cross platform space, either. Definitely added to my list of Things I Must Check Out in my Copious Spare Time …

Flutter is nice no question. But. When and if google looses interest flutter will end up like other technology environmental startups. Dead. While google does the development as long as it is from interest it can end from one day to another.

which is not a concern for a user of Xojo :wink:

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Apple’s identity is more tied up in Swift, so I tend to have more confidence that it will remain supported for a long time (even Objective-C is still supported for backward compatibility). Same goes for Java, it is just Too Big To Fail even if Oracle sells it off.

And of course M$FT has 20 years of investment in .NET. They do not abandon platforms either, just bits and pieces along the way (e.g. VB.NET was a bigger deal than C# 20 years ago, now it is getting the bum’s rush; ASP.NET became ASP.NET MVC became ASP.NET Core, each requiring substantial rewrite of web apps to stay current; RPC frameworks have changed at least 3 times; WinForms is still supported for backward compatibility and large user base but they really want you using WPF / XAML).

Flutter will reach Google’s average product lifespan at the end of the year, so it at least looks like it’ll beat the average. Still, their track record means I’ll never be able to give Flutter a serious look.